Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Beauty of doing something

Have you ever given an idea or volunteered to do something before???
Well I know I have....
Though the work that you have to do for giving an idea or volunteering for something may take up your time...
Its worth it...
When doing something you always end up learning something or seeing something new...
Sometimes it may be a good experience but sometimes it will be a bad one...
Either way it is worth it because if its a good one, you will feel this wonderful feeling...
But if it is a bad one, you will become stronger and be able to handle things like that in the future...

Well, I was preparing a special Rosary for my Cathechism class this Sunday (tomorrow XP)...
As I was preparing this special Rosary, I recalled my teacher saying "You can put some picture of Mother Mary here and there in the slide show presentation"
Ok, so I went to search for some pictures....
And this was the first time I actually search for pictures like this....
To my amazement, I see beautiful pictures....
Some really strong, while some were just touching...
Some makes you feel light just looking at it...
And oh no, I'm not talking about the pictures of Mother Mary only....
The pictures of Jesus and the Holy Spirit....
Really a beautiful thing....

So in short I'm just trying to say that...
Its always good to give ideas and do something about it...
Or to volunteer to do something...
Trust me, you will find some benefits doing it....
And once it all piles up, you will feel on top of the world....
Hehe XP

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