Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Mother's Love (Mother's Day)

Hello readers,
Today is Mother's Day and I hope you all already wished your mothers and gave them a big hug...
Well I know I did...
As we all should know, mothers are one of the most important person in a family...
They are the most important person in our life that we must never neglect...
Today, I went for Mass again even though I already went for Mass yesterday for my Confirmation.
Every reading for the day is the same (except it was in English) but the sermon by the priest was different because it is Mother's Day....
I listened attentively to the sermon....
The part which attracted my attention the most was the 5 ways we can show our love to our mother....

The first way is to love her (mother) verbally :
Most of the time, the man would not say I love you to his wife. They will say "I don't have to tell you I love you all the time because you know I do. If ever I change my mind I will let you know". But on the woman point of view, they want to hear those 3 words "I love you" . They want need to know how much they are loved .It applies the same to us, the children. We do not let our mother know how much we love them and we do not tell them often how much we love them because we think they know we do. So we should tell them I love you as often as we can.

The second way is to love her physically :
How often do we give hugs or kissed to our mothers without them asking?? Do we just go to them at random just to give them a hug?? Well, a hug is something miraculous that makes a person happy. So we should just go to them a give them a nice big huge or a kiss to show them that we love them. They deserve it because they have been through the pain for 9 months to finally give birth to us. And when we are born their first priority is to hold us, cuddle us, rub our feet, give a finger to grasp on.... They love us so much so a hug is the least we could do.

The third way it so love them patiently:
Since we were born till now, our mother have brought us up patiently without a word of complain. No matter how we turn out they always love us. We too must be patient with them and understand sometimes that what they do is for our best. We should not be annoyed or get angry when they nag or lecture us. We should be patient because when they do that we should think "She loves me"

The fourth way is to love her gratefully:
Most of the time we do not say thank you to our mother for what they have done for us. We have gotten so use to just getting something from them that we do not say thank you. But we should always remember how much they cared and loved for us. They have done many great things for us. Educate us spiritually and mentally, brought us up the best they could, and giving meaning to our life. We should be grateful for all they have done and thank them like we really mean it.

The fifth way is to love her generously :
Our mother has always showed their best for us no matter what we do. They do it out of love from within. They do not expect anything in return for their love but just to see us grow into someone useful. In exchange, we should love them back generously without expecting anything. We could just randomly go to them just to give them a hug or a kiss or tell them "I love you" . Let them know that you love them but don't do it just for the sake of doing it, do it because you mean it and let it come from the heart. They will feel it and we can share our love with each other.

But the best line that Father, the priest, said was "If the father is the head of the family, then the mother is the heart of the family" . That line really struck me. And I felt something when he said that. It was a really impressive line. I took sometime and thought over it. I brings in a deep meaning from such a simple line.
Well that is all I got for today readers, I write this especially to my friends who were confirmed with me yesterday and did not attend Mass this morning.
If you guys (my confirmation buddies) are reading this, I love you guys a lot.
You guys really are made a difference in my life and it is all thanks to your mothers ^^
(P.S. The description for the five way of loving our mother is not what Father George said exactly, I added some points to it)

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