Monday, July 19, 2010

Working as member of the Paulian La Salle Conference(PLC)

Today is actually the second day we are working on the mural of De La Salle located beside the school office.
After school, my friends changed their clothes because we are gonna be painting and filling up the holes with plaster today.
Unfortunately for me, I forgotten to bring a change of clothes which resulted in a mess for my pants at the end of the day.
Ok, so we went down to have out lunch.
Sachin, Alex, Harish and Daryl went out to have their lunch.
I on the other hand had food and bought some extra food from the school canteen.
Tiness at first wanted to join the others to eat outside be ended up eating with me in the canteen.
While waiting for the others to return, I did my add maths work while chatting with my friends.
We were cracking up funny jokes till we all burst out with laughter.
When they return from eating, we started work.
Taking the teacher-in-charge advice, we took some photos of us doing work as prove that we actually did it.(I will upload it on another post)
So we started off with filling the holes on the wall.
Then after filling it up, we waited for it to dry and began painting.
The painting job was done by Tiness, Sachin and me.
We took turns as there was only 1 roller.
While working a teacher came by and told us off about our work.
He say it was messy, we would have to trouble ourselves to clean the floor, we did a good job with no quality and blah blah blah....
I won't mention the teacher's name.
But at the end of it, I think the wall came out pretty well.
I and Sachin cleaned up after everybody left around 4.
So after cleaning we took a rest at the 'pondok' ( no idea what its called in English) and soon after my mother came and  I left Sachin all alone.
This was pretty much what I did today besides being in a mood even I'm not sure whether is good or bad in the morning.
Hope you readers continue to read my somewhat boring blog about my crappy self and catch up with the photos from todays work.
Thanks and take care >.< ...

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