Monday, July 26, 2010

Holiday at Pulau Penang

Wow Penang is the best.
I've been there for the past three days and it was AWESOME!!!
Well this is gonna be a long post so get ready coz here it comes....
I left on Friday about 6+ .... not sure wat time it was...
On the way to Penang island I took some photos(can't upload each and every photo coz my whole trip had 301 photos...OMG!!!)
This is just a ferry in the night
The 'ghost' at the ocean
The beautiful town of penang
Ipoh has turned into hollywood
This is a ferry up close
Ok, so 3 bad things happenned on the way to reach the YMCA hotel in Penang.
The first was it rained and my father drove so fast that water splashed blocking the front view and the car when wobbly, I almost got a heart attack.
Second, we went the wrong way to find the ferry and had to make a long way down to make a U-turn.
Finally, we got lost in Penang coz we do not know where the stinking hotel was. (P.S. the hotel is great)
By the time we found the hotel with the help of my dad's friend it was 12 midnight +, and obviously I took some photos in the hotel haha ...
From the front door view,that is my bro on the bed.
2nd time from the front view, with both my bros
My mum at the side bed
The view towards the door with my mum by the side

A nice photo I saw outside of my room by the wall.
The ball room where all sorts of things is done and this was when the dance club was practicing(P.S. the dancers in the photos are pros!!!)

Another thing is the hotel provides complimentary breakfast which was free of course at the Y Cozy Corner.
It was a nice restaurant in the hotel.
Small but nice with decent meals ranging from western to chinese to indonesian and many other style of food.
By the side was a souvenir shop haha(I love souvenir shops >.<)

Ok, then on the second day I went to a Thai Buddhist Temple called Wat Chaiyamangalaram or also known as the Sleeping Buddha.
Right across that temple is the Burmese Buddhist Temple.
After that my family and my dad's friend family continued to the snake temple.
At the Snake Temple I bought some souvenirs for my friends ^^
Our last destination for sight seeing was the Kek Lok Si Temple or known as the Pagoda.
There we went up to the newly built statue of Kuan Yin which was amazingly tall.
At below the sides of the statue was statues of the 12 animals in the chinese calendar.
Later we went down to have lunch.
I was angry with the fact I had a sore throat preventing me from eating Penang Char Kuey Teow.
I ended up eating a delicious chicken rice hehe...
(The photos for the temples will be in a few seperate posts to not mess this post up XD)

Then, we went back to the hotel to relax take a bath and went to a church called the Immaculate Conception
which was built in 1810 and ages 200 years old.
Front views of the Immaculate Conception

Later we went for dinner in a food court.
Despite the fact I had a sore throat I ate chicken chop.
But the worker at the western food shop was a total idiot.
She took the orders for my dad's friend childrens but forgotten about me and my brother order.
So we went and screw that idiot up like hell.
She was so scared she quickly prepared our order and brought it over =D (I'm such an asshole)

That night I woke up with my throat getting worse.
The next day ,which was the final day for my holiday in Penang, we went the market area and bought some tasty food to eat and some for our trip back home to Seremban.
This was the second time I came across a Muar Chee seller but the two I met( one here and the other at the Pagoda) does not have skill like the one near my grandaunty's house.
He was an expert that uses two blade >.< .
So I ate the delicious Muar Chee of Penang(only one person sells it in Seremban)
The Muar Chee seller(looking good mister)
I broke a hole and put my hand into it to hole it haha >.<
After eating the Muar Chee...
Ahhhh.... The delicious Muar Chee hehe >.<

After walking and shopping around the market area, we went back to the hotel to pack up and check out together with my dad's friend.
My family took another bath(even though we have taken one before going to the market area) because we were sweating like hell...
Damn, do you know that Pulau Penang is a freaking hot place.
(Though it is a great tourist place with great delicacies and nice tourist area)
I tell you if you are stupid enough to wear long pants(like I did) or wear something to keep yourself warm, you are killing yourself.
Its very very very hot!!!
It will cook the hell out of you.
Ok, enough with the emphasize on the weather, back to where I left off.
Then, we headed to some place(no idea what it was called already) to buy some delicacies namely the 'jeruks' and tambun biscuit(Tau Sar Pneah) to take back home for friends,relatives and of course ourselves.
I bought some for my friends this time and a box for my class.
The Tambun Biscuits and the 'jeruks'

And yea, there are some places that caught my eyes so I just took photos of them.
Because I'm a Oriental type of guy(means I love China,Korea,Japan -East Asia)
I took some photos.
Seoul Garden a Korean restaurant somewhere nearby Gurney Drive
Mr.Alex's Pizza(took it coz it has the same name as my friend)
Sa Rang Chae(Love Restaurant I think) another korean restaurant

And after buying some delicacies, we had the famous road side cendol(or chendul as mentioned in the shop)
and lunch in the coffee shop just behind the cendol shop.
I took the risk and ate the all so delicious Char Kuey Teow.(I ended up with a fever later haha =D)
To state some delicacies of Penang definitely is the Char Kuey Teow, Asam Laksa, Tambun biscuit and the 'jeruk'(even though jeruk is sold almost anywhere Penang's jeruk is exceptional, but I hate 'jeruk')

Soon we took our leave, leaving my father's friend behind as my family have not done what we were in Penang for, our pilgrimage to the church of St.Anne.
And so we took the ferry out of the island of Penang.

A giant cruise ship(first one I've seen in Malaysia)
Some boats at the sea
The Penang Bridge and a boat
A ferry not in use
A yacht
View to back of the ferry
View to front of ferry
Front deck
Front view outside of ferry
A yellow ferry moving towards the island
The giraffe-like crane at the cargo area
The connector between the ferry and land

And so we head off to Bukit Mertajam, to our final destination before going home, to make our pilgrimage to St.Anne complete.
St.Anne is a wonderful church with many nice things to look upon and a stairway up the hill to reach the statue of St.Anne to light candles to pray.
(the photos of St.Anne is almost 100+ so I will upload some in a later post, continue following my blog and you will get to see it >.<)

After praying and offering mass for our family and for relatives who can't make it to St.Anne, we took off, back to our home, Seremban.
The trip was suppose to take 4 hours but it ended up to be 6 hours.
Why you ask!?
Its because it rain heavily and we got trapped in an extremely long jam(1 hour) due to a horrible accident.
We saw 5 toll trucks picking up damaged car.
From my observations, I think one car tried to overtake and got hit.
Then he spinned 180 degrees facing the back of the road got hit by a car followed by another 2 cars.
The damage was done but I think the passengers and drivers were safe according to my father's friend who we met again in the Tapah rest area as they were caught up in the jam too.
Throughout the journey back I was so sick I slept so much.
When I woke up, all I saw was foggy roads and the darkest night raining heavily.
The road was almost not visible, but it was beautiful.
Did you know that the North-South highway of Malaysia is very beautiful in the night.
Is like as though the road has been lit up with street lights leading the way.
If there is a slope u can see all the lights moving up then down.
A turn and the light moves towards the direction.
Very beautiful but my phone ran out of battery so I couldn't take a photo of it(sad =C )
And by late night which was 10 pm, we made it back safely in Seremban and I took some funny photos to send to Alex.

The Mafia Style
The Don Hollowcow                                         The Yakuza
Chinese Swordmaster
The Hollowcow version of Bruce Lee
Chinese Sword (left)                              Almost real sword (blunt)

Long post ain't it!?
Anyways this is almost what I did in Penang.
Is not precise though.
But do stay updated to catch up with more photos from my holiday at Penang.
Till next time readers, Bye >.<

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