Monday, July 6, 2009

Learnt about blog made 1/Did wat I never expected to do

Before going 2 school this morning I thought of wat happened last Monday.
Thought of it and then my bus came.
In school been disturbing and askin my frens about wat does the word 'love' truly means.
Never gotten the answer I wanted.
I asked a few frens(Vijaya, Zafri, Ezra and Gerard) should I say sorry 2 Natasha?
It was a 3:1 NO!!!


Came home was tired.
Watched a movie wit my brothers,took a bath n texted her.
Was glad she didn't mind it. XD
She then asked me 2 c her blog.Saw it n thought of makin a blog.
At the same time open my facebook n saw her online.
Had a chat n gotta go coz i want 2 c Hayate the Combat Butler.

1 comment:

  1. I am totally speechless...erm...
    I only understand the part where you gtg from facebook to watch >.<
