Monday, August 9, 2010

The tale of Confusion

Have you ever felt a sense of confusion so bad that you don't know what u really want?
Well here is a tale of a lost and confuse soul, boy H .

          Once there was a boy, H. He is a boy who lives life without a single care or worry. All he does is enjoy life playing video games and going to school. This boy outgoing around the boys, turns out to be very shy when he is around girls. It is so because ; His siblings consist of two brothers, he goes to an all boy school and he does not go out so often to meet with people like going to tuition centres or anything like that.
So one day this boy, H , finds out that he has feelings for this particular girl, B . He wondered whether this feeling was love or just his imagination. H had some mixed emotions in him. So H seeked advice from his friends, some expected it while some did not. H got some useful advice, one out of them was 'Go and confess la!! Instead of keeping it to yourself ' . Ok, so thats what they told H, but it was no easy task for him.

          As usual when H sees B online, he will have a chat with her. And so the conversation went on and at last he confessed. But as expected even before he attempted to, he got rejected as there was another person in B's life. H was afraid that his confession would cause him to lost a good friend, so he quickly apologised. H felt sad at that point, but he continued his life as usual. But, there was a flaw in his usual life, he thought he did not cared anymore, he tells his friend ' I don't think I love B anymore' . Well, H had bought a key chain for B even before he confessed, but he bought it as a friend.

          Wanting to give B this key chain, he brought it to class one day. While talking to his friends, B enters the class. H turned and saw her. He was not suppose to have any feelings for B anymore, but he was afraid to even say 'Hi' to her as he usually does. Hell, he did not even dared to look at her, feeling embarassed I guess. In his mind, he was afraid that she will be mistaken for the reason he is giving the key chain to her.

          So H decided to bring it to school the next day even though B has not followed the bus for some time. That day H was telling his friends the exact same story of himself as I am telling you. H told his friend, P , that if B comes to the bus he will give it to her. P made a bet with him, but H was confused and afraid. P, told H 'Today B surely will follow the bus' and H replied 'Ya lah, ya lah'. Heck, it really happened, but H chickened out. Again he couldn't even say 'Hi' .

Boys and girls, my dear readers, don't be like how H was, it will only cause you to be confused. When you want to do something, go for it because you will regret more what you did not do than what you have done.
Remember that and live your life to the fullest. Continue following my blog and stay updated. Bye all >.<

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