Monday, August 9, 2010

The Fridge

Okay readers, have you ever thought what will happen if one day your fridge went on fire and you lost it all?
Of course you won't. Here is what happened to my fridge today.

     After coming back from school today, my mum was talking with my brothers. I was like 'What is happening?' Then I asked my mother, 'Why got so many things on the table?' Then she told me about what happened earlier today. First, she told me about the embarassing moment when she went to take the money from the bank and there was no money because my dad has taken it via the card. Lol. Then, she told me about the fridge.

When she came back, she smelled a burn smell.
She realised that something was wrong with the fridge yesterday but did not expected this to happen.
She said the freezer was burning like and oven (scary just thinking of it >.< ouch)
The plastic cover had bloated to an air bag. She showed it to me.
A lot of stuff was spoiled thanks to that.
So she has called the man who usually fix our fridge, but his phone line was cut ( he must be facing problems but screw him he is a con, continue reading and you will know why)
Ok, so my mum called another repairman who my aunty suggested.She says that they know her.
They took a hell long of time to come and make the necessary repairs.
My mum was getting furious, but it was worth the wait.
And then they came while I was having my lunch : gimchi and milo ....hehe ^o^
There was 3 of them. One almost looked like a gangster, but he was a handsome and friendly guy  haha >.<
They pulled the fridge out to check on it.
First he asked whether the fridge was fixed before and my mum said yes.
When my mum told him about my aunty he did not know her instead he knew her brother haha.
After talkin a while we realised that he was a Lobak person, just like my mum, so he can be trusted.
Then, he took out his drill and opened it up. (the inside looked so cool >.<)
He checked throughly and found out the problem.
The thingy that makes the fridge cold has burnt to crisp thus the freezer has become a heater instead.

This is a full view of that thing
Back part burnt
Front part burnt
Well, at least the worst did not happened.
The man said luckily we found out about it soon enough because it could have caught on fire.
He say the top part of the freezer will burn.
There is a gas tank inside below the fridge to help it keep cold therefore the fire would have caused an explosion.
Suddenly, he saw a wire and got angry.

This wire which was taped.
He said that the man(who was the con) who previously fixed our fridge has coned us.
He said that he took out only one thing and put in this useful piece of wire.
It can be dangerous and one of the reason why the fridge knocked out.
By the end of it he explained a lot of things to use about some other malfunction as well.
Then he took out a plastic and a box with wires to fix the fridge.

The box with the new wires used to replace the old one.
A bag that contained a new set of that thing to cool up the fridge.

He explained that the things to replace anything spoiled in a fridge is quite cheap but people will put in a cutthroat price.
As soon as he finished fixing the fridge, he gave us a sticker of their company to put up on the fridge.

Hua Shin company(trustworthy)

Why I say trustworthy?
Bcoz he explained every single problem.
Before leaving, he told use 3 things to take note of when people come to repair:
  1. The object is never taken back to be repaired as we would not know what he has done to it.
  2. They can set any price because we don't know what he has done to it.
  3. All work can be done on the spot.
Well is not exactly what he said, but that was how I remembered it.
Anyways, point no.1 is the most important thing to take note of.
And if you need repairs for your air-conditioner, call this guy haha >.<
Well, that was a gist of what happenned.
Besides the fact he left his drill behind and had to turn back to take it....haha >.<
And oh yea, it costed RM185 altogether.Quite expensive but it is better than having your house burnt down.
Stay tune to my blog readers, I'm gonna go watch television and go to sleep.
Good night >.<

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