Friday, March 1, 2013

TFST ~~ Time Flies So Fast....

Annyeonghaseyo... (Just wanted to greet in Korean.. You all know I love K-pop a lot right? Hehe XD )
Hi dear readers =)
It has already been a month since my camp ended and the final semester for my Foundation started..
Time sure flies huh?? =O
By the way, I'm sorry for not be posting about the survival mentioned from the previous post.
I will eventually (If I still remember it haha XP )

Anyways time really does fly huh??

In a blink of an eye, its almost one year since I started studying at UNITEN.
Just two months more and its exactly a year and my Degree will begin soon.
Back before I started studying at UNITEN, I never had high hopes of meeting awesome friends like I have in school.
But my expectations exceeded me..
I met very wonderful bunch of friends.

Yes, at first I was like "UNITEN a lot of Malays and have to speak in Malay a lot."
(Sorry for he racist comment there, I'm not racist FYI. I have a best friend who is Malay in school.)
But yeah, its just the fact that I had to speak in the Malay language a lot.
I never expected there to be people who are able to speak well in English.
Like they say, "Never judge a book by its cover."
I was really amazed when I saw the level of English spoken by the lecturers there.
Especially the Malay lecturers, it was very good and much different from how I expected.

What amazed me even more was to meet the friends I hang out with in college these days.
And fun fact, they are mostly Malays =)
Yes, I do speak Malay with them but I also speak to them in English since they speak at about the English level I always speak in with my friends back home here at Seremban.
I am really happy I met this people.
The first time I saw them talking in English during English class during Semester 1, I was shocked.
I never thought I would meet another Malay apart from Zafri (my only Malay friend from school) who could speak English like that.
That's why I approached them, plus they all had interesting characters.
I really love mixing around with unique people. (Everyone is unique in their own way but its my kind of unique I'm talking about =)  )
So I've really bond with this people who I now call close friends.
I can't imagine life in college without them.

I've learnt and done so much since then till now.
Though I've made EXTREMELY huge mistakes during that time, I'm glad where I am today.
A throughout that time, something interesting has befallen me.
But its at the same time a very depressing event as well.
I would wish for more but I'm happy as it is.
I'll leave that for God to decide.

So time flies so fast.
I'm gonna be officially 19 soon dear readers =)
27 more days to go to my birthday hehe =D
I'm excited about it.
Well, I'll stop here for now.
I hope you enjoy a summary of my life at college so far =)
Keep enjoying life and continue to catch on more about me here on my blog.
Thanks for being my reader =)

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