Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Risk of Loving...

I saw this posted by a friend of mine:

"You say you love the rain, but you open up your umbrella.
You say you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot.
You say you love the wind, but you close the windows.
This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too."

 It was said to have been written by William Shakespeare but it was actually a direct translation from a German or Turkish poem.

So I replied to her with this after much thought from reading the poem :

"We love the rain but we can't afford to get sick.
We love the sun but we can't afford to get sunburn.
We love the wind but we can't let the wind blow our stuff and mess it.
But when someone says they love you, maybe you might have to take the risk to trust them though you actually can't afford to let your heart break.
That risk might find you happiness."

So yeah, I find this to be a very nice poem to think on about.
We do love things but that does not necessary we have to always be a part of it.
Of course we can play in the rain, walk under the sun and enjoy the wind.

For example,
We can take the risk to play under the rain.
We could enjoy it, be happy and later still be healthy
it may just end up making us sick.
Exactly how you can relate it to love.

But we can't always do it right?
The risk might be worth taking when you wanna find happiness...
Just think about it...

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