Monday, March 4, 2013

New Year's Resolution Beginning and On-going

4th March, 2013

Its already been a month and four day since I started one of my New Year's Resolution.
It was to read the Bible Diary everyday.
And so far I have been rather keeping it up.
Occasionally I forget or have no time and end up reading two days worth of reading or more on a single day.
But at least I'm keeping up with it.

For another of my New Year's Resolution , I'm still rather working on it.
To say grace for every meal.
I somehow keep forgetting when I'm about to eat and remember just after I finish eating or halfway.
Its weird how I didn't make it a habit since I was a little kid.
(Definitely gotta make it a habit for my child in future XP )

And finally, the New Year's Resolution which I just started today.
On the 4th of March 2013.
It was my plan on losing weight.
Yes I said it.... LOSING WEIGHT~~!!
All this while I didn't know what to do properly whenever I visited the gym.
But this time I went using the app called "JEFIT" which my friend recommended to me.
But little did I know, the "basic routine" on the app was actually not meant for beginner.
It was more for people who are already fit and want to develop some muscles.
Why would I say this?

Well, I'm a gym beginner and while following the routine halfway, I was consulted by the instructor of the gym.
His name was Mr. Ali .
He told me that I'm not doing the routine right.
He said that the way I'm doing it is very hazardous to my body and could harm me.
It could cause damage to some disc thingy (not too sure bout the terms he used XP ) and others.
It was all due to poor stability and no basics in weight lifting.
Being the experienced guy he is, he could tell in a blink of an eye that I'm a beginner looking to lose weight.
So he suggested a 3 month course routine to me.
The routine was:
  1. To do cardio on the treadmill for 30 minutes under my own intensity level.
  2. Then, do 10 minutes worth of stretching.
  3. Later, do 3 sets of 12-15 reps on the machines with weights of about 40-50% of my body weight.
This was all meant to build up confidence in myself and my body.
Aside from that, it was to prepare my body for free weights like barbell and all.
So, I'm EXTREMELY thankful to have met with Mr.Ali.
Who knows what kind of damage I could have done to my body if I were to continue the routine on the app?
Not to say the app is bad or anything but yeah...
Me being a beginner and all seems a little risky.
Now that I have a fix and more proper routine for weight loss, I should keep that level of determination and go all-out.
Mr.Ali also welcomed me to consult him anytime I need advice on my health and weight loss.

So overall, I may have not gained much from the routine I did today at gym but I've definitely gained something more valuable.
A good gym instructor with a more safer and detailed routine.
Aside from that, I thank God for all the strength and determination given to me to perform my New Year's Resolution.
May this be a great year with much more to come. =D

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Risk of Loving...

I saw this posted by a friend of mine:

"You say you love the rain, but you open up your umbrella.
You say you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot.
You say you love the wind, but you close the windows.
This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too."

 It was said to have been written by William Shakespeare but it was actually a direct translation from a German or Turkish poem.

So I replied to her with this after much thought from reading the poem :

"We love the rain but we can't afford to get sick.
We love the sun but we can't afford to get sunburn.
We love the wind but we can't let the wind blow our stuff and mess it.
But when someone says they love you, maybe you might have to take the risk to trust them though you actually can't afford to let your heart break.
That risk might find you happiness."

So yeah, I find this to be a very nice poem to think on about.
We do love things but that does not necessary we have to always be a part of it.
Of course we can play in the rain, walk under the sun and enjoy the wind.

For example,
We can take the risk to play under the rain.
We could enjoy it, be happy and later still be healthy
it may just end up making us sick.
Exactly how you can relate it to love.

But we can't always do it right?
The risk might be worth taking when you wanna find happiness...
Just think about it...

Friday, March 1, 2013

New background template

Hi readers,
How you like my new background template??
Much brighter huh?? Hehe =D
I've decided to change it to the sky instead of the dark background.
It is meant to signify how vast life really is and to signify FREEDOM as well.
I want my readers to feel free as they read my blog.
And hopefully I'll put on some nice music to accompany it someday =)
Thank you for being my reader.
Doesn't matter if its your first time, as long as you've read my blog even just one post.
You're already a reader and I hope my life may inspire your life sometimes.
Keep loving life, stay strong and keep believing. =)

TFST ~~ Time Flies So Fast....

Annyeonghaseyo... (Just wanted to greet in Korean.. You all know I love K-pop a lot right? Hehe XD )
Hi dear readers =)
It has already been a month since my camp ended and the final semester for my Foundation started..
Time sure flies huh?? =O
By the way, I'm sorry for not be posting about the survival mentioned from the previous post.
I will eventually (If I still remember it haha XP )

Anyways time really does fly huh??

In a blink of an eye, its almost one year since I started studying at UNITEN.
Just two months more and its exactly a year and my Degree will begin soon.
Back before I started studying at UNITEN, I never had high hopes of meeting awesome friends like I have in school.
But my expectations exceeded me..
I met very wonderful bunch of friends.

Yes, at first I was like "UNITEN a lot of Malays and have to speak in Malay a lot."
(Sorry for he racist comment there, I'm not racist FYI. I have a best friend who is Malay in school.)
But yeah, its just the fact that I had to speak in the Malay language a lot.
I never expected there to be people who are able to speak well in English.
Like they say, "Never judge a book by its cover."
I was really amazed when I saw the level of English spoken by the lecturers there.
Especially the Malay lecturers, it was very good and much different from how I expected.

What amazed me even more was to meet the friends I hang out with in college these days.
And fun fact, they are mostly Malays =)
Yes, I do speak Malay with them but I also speak to them in English since they speak at about the English level I always speak in with my friends back home here at Seremban.
I am really happy I met this people.
The first time I saw them talking in English during English class during Semester 1, I was shocked.
I never thought I would meet another Malay apart from Zafri (my only Malay friend from school) who could speak English like that.
That's why I approached them, plus they all had interesting characters.
I really love mixing around with unique people. (Everyone is unique in their own way but its my kind of unique I'm talking about =)  )
So I've really bond with this people who I now call close friends.
I can't imagine life in college without them.

I've learnt and done so much since then till now.
Though I've made EXTREMELY huge mistakes during that time, I'm glad where I am today.
A throughout that time, something interesting has befallen me.
But its at the same time a very depressing event as well.
I would wish for more but I'm happy as it is.
I'll leave that for God to decide.

So time flies so fast.
I'm gonna be officially 19 soon dear readers =)
27 more days to go to my birthday hehe =D
I'm excited about it.
Well, I'll stop here for now.
I hope you enjoy a summary of my life at college so far =)
Keep enjoying life and continue to catch on more about me here on my blog.
Thanks for being my reader =)