Sunday, September 18, 2011

Open House at Puan Zainah Musa's house (My Add Maths teacher)

Hi readers,
It has been a while since I last wrote..
Well, I have my reasons ;D
Anyways, it has been exactly a week since I went to my teacher's house for her Hari Raya open house...
So it begins like this....

It was 4.30pm on a Friday afternoon....
I stopped playing my games and quickly got prepared to go to Pn.Zainah Musa's house...
And when I say quickly, I mean very quickly...
When I got prepared, it was already 4.40pm...
I rushed my father to send me there...
He asked whether I wanted to drive there myself but because I was rushing and the 'P' sticker hasn't been put on the car so I said "Nevermind."
So I arrived at my teacher's house at 4.50pm...
To my surprise, I was the first one there...
I saw some other school teachers, including my Ninjutsu sensei...
So I went in and greeted all the teachers and Puan Zainah Musa's family...
After greeting, my teacher welcomed me in to 'makan' first but I told her I wanted to wait for my classmates to arrive first...
So I sat down at the living room while waiting for the others to come...
We had all made a deal to arrive there by 5pm but I waited and no one came...
So my teacher said "Jason, eat first la. Your friends will come. Tak payah risau."
And so I ate first...
It was a simple Malay style meal but delicious....
There was nasi impit, kuah kacang, chicken curry, roti jala, some veggie in some weird yellow liquid, watermelon and my teacher's family recipe laksa...
So I ate while having a chat with some of the teachers eating there...
By around 5.20pm, Devaraja came with two others...
Once I was done eating, I made a call...
I called Sachin and Zafri to ask where they were...
They said they were on the way..
So then I called Govinash and he only said he was coming after I called him...
I decided to wait for him at the guardhouse..
When I was about to reach the guardhouse, I saw Zafri's car outside...
So he came down and waited with me...
Not long after, Govinash came along...
Then we walked back to teacher's house...

When we got back, there were some other guest as well...
Teacher asked me to show Zafri and Govinash what food there were and stuff like that...
Then, we sat down while they both ate...
So slowly my classmates come one by one...
Sachin, followed by Khoo Er Yang, Kavee, See Soon Yang, Jashen, Soong, Sharwesh, Lai Choon Kiat, Loi Chee Ming, Chew Joon Nick, and Gerard Wong...
While they were all having their 'makan' , we all chit chat as well...
Sachin was playing a Russell Peter's video on his phone...
Gerard was listening to K-pop on Lai's phone...
Everyone was doing something in short :P
After we were all done eating, we decided to go out and have a walk since it was getting stuffy inside...
So we told teacher that we were having a walk and went out...
I was taking photos the whole time as usual...
When I decided to take the photo of teacher's house she said "Ini masuk majalah apa??"
I replied "Majalah takde nama."
And so then we were on our way to the playground which I told them about...
We were all having a nice stroll and laugh towards the playground...
We almost looked like a group of gangster walking down the streets...

Not long after, we reached the playground...
We first went towards the hut and took a group photo together...
After that, mayhem began...
They played on the swings, ran around, made jokes, laugh like crazy...
Ahhh... It was like as though we were small children...
Sachin was taking a video of this....
We scared some of the people who were there I think...
They left the moment we got there...
I took photo of all their childish wonders...
It was so nice to see that we all still know how its like to enjoy ourselves...
And then I asked them all to gather at the slide set...
We took another group photo there...
It was a beautiful photo, but as usual, I was not in it :P
They played on the slide set a little and then they went on to the see-saw...
We had fun on the see saw..
Even I played on it...
After that, everyone scrambled around the playground...
Some of them played on the swings again...
After having much fun there, we eventually got tired and decided to head back to teacher's house..
We were all sweating like crazy already...
On the way back, I took some nice photos and even caught one which looked like running refugees photo...
Haha... :D

When we got back to teacher's house, some of my other classmates had arrived...
Daryl, Vijay, Jeyain, Philip, and Liew Mun Kent...
They were eating...
After talking with them for a while, we decided to go out and have some more fun...
This time, we decided to crash on Philip's car...
We played around his car...
Tried to lift it, make joke of it, raise the wipers up..
We did all sorts of nonsense on it...
And then, Loi accidentally did something to his car..
He lied down on the car and cause a crack on one of the mirrors...
We all laughed and when we told Philip, he did not believe us...
He only believed when he saw the picture on Facebook after going home :P
So we all had fun at teacher's house...
The clock showed 7pm and we were all suppose to leave by then...
Some of us then decided to go and catch a movie at Jusco...
We would get there by Soong's car and See's car...
After deciding who was coming with us, we thanked our teacher for the invitation and greeted farewell...

It was getting dark as we arrived at Jusco...
Me, Zafri, Sachin, Jashen, and Kavee was in Soong's car...
Gerard, Lai, and Loi was in See's car...
Loi and Gerard went home...
Vijay was at Jusco but he decided not to join us..
Sachin went to 7 eleven with Jashen and Kavee while Zafri went for his prayers at the surau..
The others was in See's car who was busy looking for a parking space..
So I was at the cinema theater checking out for what movie we could watch...
We only had two choice for the closest movie that time...
Final Destination 5 (18+) and Apollo 18 (PG13) ...
And I made phone calls and we finally decided to watch Final Destination 5...
So I went to the ticket counter along with Soong and Lai...
For your information, we are all under 18...
But we tried to sneak a ticket into the movie...
We were so close to getting our hands on it...
The man was already pressing it on his monitor until...
A woman asked, "Kamu semua atas 18 umur tak? "
I was so pissed that I almost wanted to choke her when she asked that...
So we were like "Ugghhh... Not all of us"
And then, we had no choice so we eventually decided to watch Apollo 18...
We had no idea what that movie was about....
While waiting outside as the room has not opened yet, we saw the trailer of Apollo 18 playing on one of the screen...
It looked rather scary and got us a bit hyped up to watch it...
So we bought our popcorns and drinks and went in after the room was opened...
We found room 7, entered the room and took our places...
Since we were the first one there, I took some photos before others entered the room...

We sat had a chat while waiting for the movie to start...
Then the trailers and advertisements started to play on the screen...
People were slowing coming in...
I sat between Lai and Sachin...
Soon after, the lights went off...
It was rather scary with the timing of the movie starting...
So the movie began...
The movie was made based on a footage from the time the Apollo 18 went to the moon...
It was rather boring at the start...
But things got interesting as the movie progressed...
The all so boring movie start to get more and more creepy, scary, shocking...
It got us on our seats...
Although we anticipated the first scary scene, we still got scared... Hahaha :D
Then more and more scary and disgusting scenes showed...
How many times did Sachin, Lai and I got scared...
There were even times we scared each other from jumping off our seats...
Lai even jumped and knocked on his seat...
Well, at the end, I would say this is a movie worth watching...
But it would be great if we could have watched Final Destination 5....
So we went to the restroom after the movie as usual...
Lai went back with See as soon as we went out..
Then I went down with Jashen, Soong, Zafri, Sachin, and Kavee...
We had a chat about the movie and some other stuff...
After that, Soong decided to go home so Kavee followed him...
Jashen's father came just after that...
My parents were shopping at Jusco at that time so I decided to keep Sachin and Zafri company till their parents came...
We waited outside..
Not too long and both of them had left the building...
So I went and search for my parents and the day ended like that...

That was one of the most fun I had for some time...
I really do enjoy every outing I go with my friends...
I look forward to more outings like this...
Till next time readers =D

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