Saturday, September 10, 2011

Nicholas 21st Birthday

It was the 9th of September...
We celebrated my eldest brother's 21st birthday... (His birthday is actually 7th of September but 9th was a Saturday)
So the day went like this...

My mum was busy with the preparations for the party...
Cooking, cleaning and all... (You know what I mean :P )
Me and my brothers were playing during the morning...
After playing, we helped mum do some of the cleaning...
My brothers were cleaning while I was making the sandwiches...
And everyone was busy...

I did so many things for the first time that day...
It was the first time I ever cut a watermelon... LOL XD
The reason is because my mum does not allow us to use the knife...
But I insisted on helping and so I did...
Since it was my first time, I was not use to it...
Each time I cut there would be some excess on the skin and I would eat it..
God knows how many watermelon I ate while cutting it... Haha...
And then I also almost cut my finger but luckily the blade only hit my fingernail a little or who knows what might have happened...
And so I finally finished cutting the watermelon...

Another thing I did the first time was frying chickens >o<
So my mum told me what to do and I did as she told..
I dipped the marinated chickens into the flour till it is totally covered with it...
And then I slowly put them into the already heated oil...
And so I fried it using a small fire...
I waited for it to turn golden brown at least by a little...
But I waited so long and started to wonder whether I was doing it right or not...
So I asked my mum and she asked me to make the fire bigger and so I did...
After some time I wondered why the colour remained the same..
My mum then took it out of the frying pan and left it aside for awhile while I began to fry the next badge of chickens...
I saw the chickens that were removed earlier slowly changing to golden brown...
I was amazed for all this while I've been only eating fried chicken...
I did not know that it only changes colour once it is out of the frying pan....AMAZING!!!
And so with that first experience, I fried the remaining chickens like a professional... Haha...

Of course the drinks were prepared by no other than me...
The professional taster...
I made the punch rather well as it was complimented when everyone drank it... Hehe =D
And so the time for the party slowly reaches...
The food was prepared on the table...
Guest began to arrive...
My father's friend were the first to arrive...
Audrey was there and I took out a deck of cards to play with her along with my second brother...
I was busy doing some other things at the same time...
And of course I will never forget to take photos =D
After waiting for awhile, we decided to start eating as there was nobody coming after sometime..
My dad said the grace and prayer (for like almost the first time I've ever seen) rather well...
So we began eating...
I was playing some musics and all on the television too....
I even played some of the videos from our trip to Penang and Port Dickson...
Everyone had a great laugh...
Other guest slowly arrived one by one...
Lennin ( eldest brother's friend) , my aunt and her daughter (mother's side), my aunties and their children (father's side), and my two friends, Lai and Soong...
I was happy that Lai and Soong came despite being tired after badminton...
I was so busy moving up and down throughout the party...

Around 10pm + , we took out the cake and sang a birthday song for my brother...
Everyone was excited....
After singing the birthday song and eating the cake, I had to keep the guests occupied...

I took out my laptop to show to some photos to my parent's friends...
Lai and Soong were playing my PS2 at the back room while my parent's friend's children were playing my X-box 360 upstairs..
The mans were watching football...
Everyone was enjoying themselves while I was busy doing a lot of things...
When it was reaching midnight, Lai and Soong went home...
I was less busy when they left so I decided to start cleaning up a little...
I washed the plates while everyone was enjoying themselves...
My mother's friends praised me for doing the chores...
When I was done, I went to play along with Audrey and her friends upstairs...
Soon it was time to leave, we went down and greeted our farewells...
As usual the farewells take almost ages...
After that, we were busy cleaning up the house...
My dad knocked out as soon as the guest left....
He was tired and drunk after drinking and having so much of fun...
My two brothers slept early too...
I was the only one up helping my mum to clean the house up...
Soon I felt tired too so I decided to sleep but only after the cleaning was almost done...
My mum stayed up and continue with the chores...

And so the day ended like that...
It was a long and tiring but fun day for me...
I really had fun and look forward to having a party which will be very awesome for my 21st birthday...
Till that day comes reader...
Take care...

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