Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A day at Jusco for 4 Basilian, the best class ever

OMG!!! Readers I haven't blog like almost the last I can even remember....
I'm so sry.... Busy wit exams and some other things....
Well I have a shit load to blog about but don't worry....
Wat I left out when in came into my head before I will post...
But for today, I'm gonna post about my fun day trip along with my class which consist of 45 people to Jusco shopping mall....YAY!!!
Well, first of all, 45 people in a shopping mall is totally ridiculous...
But fortunately for me the one who organised this, only around 28 people came....(thank God)
So I have to manage it... But the first thing that happened this morning was my phone line got barred for overusing just to organise this....LOL!!!
Well I was there by 9.15 and so was Govinash....
We waited there for like half an hour for the rest to arrive.... P.S. It was before opening hours..... HAHA!!
By 10.30 most of them were gathered, but I was in a crisis as my phone battery went dead.....
So I went to use some phone charging machine by the toilet.... LOL!!!
At around 10.45 we all headed for the bowling alley/arcade to have some fun....
13 of us went ahead with bowling including me and the rest went to play at the arcade or pool....
We spent like about an hour or so there....
After that, some of us went to play at the cyber cafe while the rest continue playing at the arcade....
6 people including me played a 3v3 counter-strike game and my team won hands down 20-3.... haha!!! XD
By 12+ we headed for KFC to have our lunch..... This was the best part of the day...
We all gathered outside KFC like a pack of wolves.... We went on which having a standard meal for everyone since we were using our class fund....
We had the snack plate costing like about RM10 per person....
When we were in, I told 2 of my friends, Jeyain and Bryan, "Get a place for us first... I don't care if its full, kill, steal or watever get us all a place".
So they did, it was like magic.... A place full of people suddenly went empty...
Well the ordering was even better.... I was ordering of course, I told the cashier, "26 snack plates please...." she was smiling at me, "Drinks all Pepsi no mix" she was like thinking 'OMG!! stock habis la' in her head, "No ice for all pls".... That was when she totally blurred out.... You will laugh when you see her face so blur..
Then, of course we took photos throughout the day....
Later after lunch we started to part ways.... Some headed home, some to movies and as for my group....BOWLING again!!!
And you know wat was cooler??? Today me and my friend met this Nigerian guy with an afro named Bryan...
The HELL!!! he was freaking cool.... He was like the Michael Jackson of the 21st century...
Well in short we have a lot of fun..... I will remember this day forever....
3 cheers for 4 Basilian!!!!

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