Sunday, February 3, 2013

3rd and Final Semester for Foundation

Hello readers,
It has already been a month since New Years and my last post.
I'm sorry I haven't been as active as promised yet but I'll try my best to post as much as possible.
Why do I do this??
Why do I always wish to be more active in blogging??
Well its simple actually...
I just wanna share my life with the world and keep this as my personal diary.
Someday I'll look back at all this and...
I'll laugh..
I'll cry..
I'll smile..
I'll feel each and everyone of my posts and remember how I've lived...

Well all that aside, this post is a simple post actually just wanting to tell you all my Foundation is coming to an end soon..
I can't believe how fast time flies...
Its already been half a year since I started college and met my friends here..
I'm excited that my semester has started..
The 2 weeks sem break seemed so long that I missed my collegemates rather much...
Especially one particular person...
My semester actually started a week ago on the 29th of January 2013..
I just got back from my CLICQ Training Camp (Which I'll blog about in another post =P ) actually...
So my semester started recently and I'm glad to meet with my buddies again...
As for my Semester 2 result, I got 3.95 =D
Too bad though, I was just a bit more to 4 flat but I'm still happy =)
Now I gotta focus to score well in this Semester...
Well that's all for this post now..
All the best to all my collegemates, friends in other colleges and myself...

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