Wednesday, January 9, 2013

5 years and going

Well, as the title states...
Yes, my blog is officially 5 years old.
Hehe... =) so proud of myself  XP

Well, its not fully covered every single day or week or what not but its still here with my life diary of 5 years.
It started out with my first story of I don't know, Love? Crush?
Well, its still ongoing with all my stories filled with fun, sad, happy, exciting, love and lots more.
I never thought I would even keep this blog going till this long when I first started.
Still interesting to blog even after so many years.
I look forward to more time for me to blog so I can always refer back to my life.
My mistakes, my choices...
All the events of life that brought me this far and created the ME today...
I don't really know if the ME today is good enough for people around...
But one thing for certain, I'm actually quite proud to be myself in certain ways...
Though I still always wished I could be much better in certain aspects of life...

With friends from home, with my new friends from college and with my family and everyone around me...
I look forward to growing into a better person.
To grow in all aspects and mature but still remain young at heart..
To still be ME but a better ME...
God be my guide and be my strength...
And that's it from me for tonight.
Peace out and goodnight dear readers =)

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