Friday, March 4, 2011

Expect the Unexpected / Sometimes...

Sometimes things in life just do not go the way you want...
But you still have to live on...
Sometimes what you want does not seem to happen...
But what can you do about it....
Sometimes what you wish for do not come true...
But you still keep hoping it will...
Sometimes you expect something to happen...
But it may not happen...
Sometimes you say you would do something...
But you might not...
Sometimes happiness will fade away just like that...
But it can come back anytime...
Sometimes sadness fills your heart...
But joy comes just to take it away...
Sometimes anger conquers over you...
But there is a feeling that calms it down...
Sometimes darkness takes over...
But there is light to shine upon it...
Sometimes kindness is repaid by ungratefulness....
But you are still happy you did it...
Sometimes you do not have to do things...
But you still do it...
Sometimes you make the wrong decisions...
But sometimes you make the right ones....
Sometimes you got to relax...
But sometimes you have to work hard...
All the things in life have its possibilities...
We do not always get what we expect to happen...
But as long as we give our best in what we do...
This sometimes are always worth it...

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