Sunday, March 13, 2011

Attending the Judo selection camp

On the 11th of March 2010,
I have left home after school at 2.45pm to head to the Seremban 2 Sports Complex.
Along with Alex Wong, we arrived there just on time for the welcoming speech.
We were introduced to the coach, Mr.Lee , his daughter who is a gold medalist for Judo, and his black belt student, Tham, who was HUGE!!!
Then the officer gave his speech.
The speech by the officer was encouraging and so we went on for some food after that.
And then we headed for the hall with the tatami mats on the floor.
We were split into categories according to our weight class.
The girls went on the mat first while the boys waited on the other side of the hall.
We saw what the girls were doing.
It was a fitness exam.
Then not long after came the boys turn.
The exam is slightly different for each weight category but every group had some similar ones.
Which is carrying someone who is one category below us and running back and forth.
It was on both hands first and then on the back.
In that exam I carried my friend , Heng Yi Min, who weight 97kg.
It was no easy job carrying someone that heavy.
I fell down twice and I pulled my hips muscle a little and my forearm got numb.
It went on with doing squats by the 20 count, then running across to the other side and doing sit-ups to the 20 count, run back across and doing burpees by the count of 20.
It was no easy task for sure.
That exam was used to choose the team that is going to join the camp.
The rest are to call their parents and head back home.

Now that is what happened at first.
The camp was long and tiring so I'm just gonna blog interesting and memorable times:

During the nights of the camp we watched videos about Judo.
We learnt techniques from that.

We learnt how to break falls in a very interesting way.
We got thrown around like toys.
Two of them got horribly thrown around by the 'sensei'
One was a guy- He was thrown around so badly that the 'sensei' played around with him
The other was a girl- 'Sensei' threw her around so hard despite her being a girl. Her 'Gi' was all opened up and her hair was messed up.
And as for me I finally got to feel how its like to be thrown over.
He threw me over himself and I slammed the mat really hard.
It was so fun >.<

We woke up early for a morning exercise which was extremely intense and tiring.
Imagine 30 minutes non-stop of jogging and then 50 push-ups for separate hands.
The 2nd morning was worse, after 30 minutes of jogging we did like 200m duckwalk.

On Saturday night we played spirit of the ball.
We talked a lot and got to know each other.
We laughed so much that night and formed a "Oh, yes ahhh???" group.
It was an awesome night.

All in all, the camp was awesome but very exhausting.
Well this are the fun times that we will miss some day in the future.

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