Sunday, June 6, 2010

What happenned today....

Today was the exams for the confirmation students....
It was a written exam...
At 10.30 am, teacher Elizabeth came in and put us into our places...
Then, the paper started...
It is a church exam....
I did it with my religious knowledge and with faith that even if I fail, I can still get confirmed and be a strong and perfect Catholic...
This day gave me a dissappointment...
From the back of the class, I saw how weak the faith of the students are...
Majority of them cheated...
They discussed answers...
Shared answers...
Took out their notes....
This is not how an exam is suppose to be....
Not especially a religious exam...
This people, they attended class last week and got the note from Mr.Aloysius....
They are the ones who cheated...
Those who did not come for class...
They did it faithfully...
They did not cheat though they did not come for last week's class...
They have the faith as Catholic christians...
So I saw this exam not as a written test, but instead a test of faith....
Faith in what you do...
Then,as I am writing this post...
I talked to my friend Natasha...
And she told me how she crapped throughout the paper....
But she had faith in what I see.....
She did not cheated....
So through this exam....
The children of God showed their faith...
That is what I think....
And the reason I wrote this post today actually is to keep a website link so that I won't ever lose it haha.....
This is the link if u wanna have some fun...

I'm gonna go sign up and have fun... Bye Bye...

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