Monday, June 28, 2010

'The Strike of 4 Basilian' and so it seems

Today was a great day in school....
Heck I would even call it a history for all I know...
Imagine a small room which we so call 'Cabin' (which actually is the discipline room) filled with almost 40+ students.
Well, let me tell you why this happened and how it came to be...
It started when Physics class was over...
We went up to our classes as usual for our Morale class...
Just after wishing the teacher, as the lesson was about to start, our Physics teacher came in...
He was talking with our Morale teacher...
Then all of a sudden we were asked to go out of the class while the prefects of the class was asked to do a spot check to search for a missing book...
This book is a Physics book used during our lesson..
It seems that the amount was not enough at the end of class..
So we went out and the time pass as we waited for the spot check to be over...
While we were waiting I realised that the record of Kew, the smartest boy in class,for not going to the discipline room has finally been broken and me and my friend was like finally its broken(very bad in a way haha >.<)...
Soon after, one of my friend, Tiness, said that the teacher is going to send all of us to see the discipline teacher as the book cannot be found...
And so we lined up and marched onwards to the discipline room...
We made a few stop on purpose though....
We stopped in front of the Physics lab, then at the notice boards...
From the we broke up and walked at our own pace...
Some of us disturbed our History teacher on the way..... haha >.<
Then when we were walking towards the office, I turned back...
And I tell you, it looked like a group of angry first class students going on strike...
We walked passed the office, then the staff room and finally we qued up in front of the discipline room...
At that time, the discipline teacher was not in...
And so we 'hang out' in front of the discipline room and chat around...
Soon the moment of truth came as the discipline teacher returned from his class...
And so the prefects was called in first...
Then the Physics teacher went in...
The prefects was sent somewhere which I soon found out was to search for the missing book...
The students kept moving back feeling scared(some group on strike lol >.<)
And then we were called into the room...
At first only a few went in, then he asked for all of us to come in...
When half the room was already filled, he asked me 'Is there still more outside?'
And I said 'Yes, there is still alot like about 45 students'
Then the room was filled...
There was hardly any space to stand in the room or any breathing space...
Jason Too and myself was standing directly behind the discipline teacher, Mr.Malai.
We told him, 'Don't worry sir we will protect you' Just like some bodyguards.
Then, Mr.Malai started questioning.
Soon after the prefects came back with the book.
It was found behind a bush behind of the new block through the window of the Physics lab...
And because of this one 'idiot' who threw the book out, Mr.Malai came with a solution and said 'Since all of you don't appreciate the book that the school supplies, then tomorrow you all bring RM5 to photostat the book so you can do anything with it. You can sleep with it, burn it, throw away, anything also can.'
No thanks to this 'idiot', we all have to spend that RM5 to photostat the book.
I just wish I can give this 'idiot' the beating of his life...
I'm still on the search for now...
If I find out who it is, I will do well to inform you all readers....
Till I find him or anything interesting comes up...
Till then readers >.<

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What happenned today....

Today was the exams for the confirmation students....
It was a written exam...
At 10.30 am, teacher Elizabeth came in and put us into our places...
Then, the paper started...
It is a church exam....
I did it with my religious knowledge and with faith that even if I fail, I can still get confirmed and be a strong and perfect Catholic...
This day gave me a dissappointment...
From the back of the class, I saw how weak the faith of the students are...
Majority of them cheated...
They discussed answers...
Shared answers...
Took out their notes....
This is not how an exam is suppose to be....
Not especially a religious exam...
This people, they attended class last week and got the note from Mr.Aloysius....
They are the ones who cheated...
Those who did not come for class...
They did it faithfully...
They did not cheat though they did not come for last week's class...
They have the faith as Catholic christians...
So I saw this exam not as a written test, but instead a test of faith....
Faith in what you do...
Then,as I am writing this post...
I talked to my friend Natasha...
And she told me how she crapped throughout the paper....
But she had faith in what I see.....
She did not cheated....
So through this exam....
The children of God showed their faith...
That is what I think....
And the reason I wrote this post today actually is to keep a website link so that I won't ever lose it haha.....
This is the link if u wanna have some fun...

I'm gonna go sign up and have fun... Bye Bye...