Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year 2014/ Been Ages

Happy New Year 2014 to all my dear readers~~!! >o<
I know its been long.
My last known blog post was dated way back to the 2nd of June, 2013.

Well, much has happened since that last post..
Too many I don't even know what I would have probably missed out..
Well to sum things up :

  • I did lots of events under my club CLICQ (An IT club)
  • I became the president of my club CLICQ
  • Performed for the CLICQ Invasion using my lightsaber
  • I've learned how to swim.
  • I've had an awesome trip to Melaka at A'Famosa + Cowboy Town (quite recent actually XP )
  • Family gathering on Christmas and got to meet and chat with cousin who has been away at England for 9 years.
And I think that is about all I can actually remember.
The rest is just vague memory.
Well, the past is the past but sadly I missed somehow recording that parts of my life on my blog which was somewhat meant to be like my personal (not so personal =P ) online diary.
So many of my friends are around different parts of the world now.
And nothing shocking or big but yes I'm still single and somewhat available (if there was anyone interested =P )
Apart from that, I didn't actually complete some of my 2013 resolutions.
So this year for the year 2014, I've decided to have no New Year resolutions but instead I'll be making resolves as the year passes by.

But as usual I'll go on with the hope to ACTUALLY LOSE WEIGHT~~!!!
Like seriously...
I went to swimming yesterday after for God knows how long...
I felt horrible after swimming.
Must be from the fact that I've not swam for so long and hardly exercise compared to my schooling days where we had Physical Education classes weekly..
Body felt so horrible, really telling myself to at least start with the physical activities again regardless if it lowers my weight or not.
Gotta keep fit.. yup yup =)

Another thing is lately I've been so caught up with dramas I'm somewhat getting more emotional and really into romance now... (Ohhh~~~ how I wish I had a girlfriend =(   )
Been tearing from good dramas too.
And K-pop Star 3 is airing now on SBS / One HD (on Astro).
So many good participants this time around (Still hoping I could be there someday T.T )
Been planning to practice on my singing.

And last but not least, ASSIGNMENTS~~!! XD
Haha, I'm so busy with 3 assignments to complete and the dateline are not far off.
Finals is just around the corner too.
Just finished my C Programming Mini Project and gotta do my Authorware and Maya project now.
Hope I can finish all and do well.

Well that is about all for this post, hope you all have a great year readers..
Take care and enjoy ^o^
Again, Happy New Year 2014 ~~!!

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