Sunday, February 3, 2013

CLICQ Training Camp

30th January 2013

It was the first day of the CLICQ Training Camp...
We have to meet up at the bus stop by 12pm...

So I slept at my friends room the night before...
Woke up early around 7.30am...
Relaxed there till about 8am then I headed back to my room to do some stuff before going for the camp...
I got back, brushed my teeth then I washed my clothes...
After that, I had my breakfast and then I washed up..
I was done preparing by about 9am then I decided to relax till around 10.30am...
I took a nap while charging my handphone...
After that, I went to meet up with my only two friends joining me for this camp, Aiman and Azri...
We were prepared by around 11.15am then we waited for the shuttle bus to get to the meeting point...

So everything was prepared and everyone was there by 12.15pm...
Then we boarded the bus and made our move to our destination for our CLICQ Training Camp...
It was Malacca, the state full of history...
After about an hour trip, we made a stop at the rest area...
We had our lunch there...
There were so many other buses filled with tourists from China...
The rest area was filled with them...
I bought some fruits from a fruit stand and the Malay lady was doing business speaking in a few languages...
Malay, English and Mandarin with the Chinese accent...
When we left the place, the high committee actually did a rather dangerous protocol...
Usually the protocol is "Count then move" but they did "Move then count".... LOL XD

By 2.30pm, we continue our journey...
After about another hour, we finally made it to our destination...
Laman Tiga Budaya Asahan...
It was a very beautiful place surrounded by mountains...
It is unique as it is located between the borders of 3 states...
Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor...
When we got in, we had a briefing regarding the camp...
He was to be our facilitator for the activity on the morning of Day 3...
The Survival...

After that, they brought us to our dorms...
It was freaking packed with double-story beds...
It felt like the military...
Nevertheless, it was a nice place to stay...
After everyone was done unpacking, we gathered at the hall for the ice-breaking session...
We had lots of fun getting to know each other...
One of the game allowed us to know everybody's name...
It ended at around 6.30pm...

We were allowed to freshen up after that...
It was crowded trying to take a shower..
Everyone waited their turn...
When everyone was ready, we had dinner...
After dinner, we played some games first...
Then we head back to schedule...
It was time for presentation...
The Ex-president explained the job of each high committee role...
The current president, Lynn, on the other hand explained about the job of the other committee members and various teams...
Once the presentation was over, we took a break and then it was time for the Fashion Show...

We had such a fun time...
It was a cross-dressing Fashion Show..
First the leader of each group challenged to obtain costumes for their cross-dresser...
Then we were given some time to prepare our models...
My group managed to make such a pretty girl out of our boy model...
After everyone was done, the Fashion Show began...
Each group had two models of opposite gender...
The guys were dressed so nicely and funnily...
They even did extremely funny moves as girls...
The girls were also well dressed...
We had fun and the Fashion Show ended around 12am++
After that, everyone headed for bed...
I stood outside and enjoy the night mountain breeze...
Soon after, I headed for bed too...
Thus ends Day 1....

31st January 2013

Day 2...
I was tired but I got up early so I can take my own sweet time to use the toilet...
On the way to the toilet, I passed the corridor and...WOAH~~!!!
I felt that heavenly cool morning mountain breeze...
It was simply unbelievable...
After washing up and getting ready for the morning exercise, I decided to stand by the railing to enjoy the breeze...
I stood there very long and soon was joined by Aiman...
We took a chair each and sat there enjoying the breeze while waiting for everyone to prepare...
By around 7.30am, we went down for our morning exercise...
It was just light exercises and some dancing...

We headed back up for breakfast...
As expected, our breakfast was as Malaysianly cliched as ever...
It was Nasi Lemak...
So we had our breakfast...
After that, we played some games...
We then had a short rest and later went down to continue our activities...
Everyone was in their attire ready to get wet...
We first played games by the poolside where its dry...
It was fun...

Then came the moment everyone was waiting for..
The water activities...
The games were team building based...
We all had fun playing those games...
Splashing around, getting wet...
It was all great along with the awesome breeze...
After that we moved to the bigger pool...
It was a disgusting experience...
It was the dirtiest swimming pool I've ever been in...
You could feel the algae at the base of the pool...
The games were still fun though but the best for me was challenging who makes the biggest splash...
I usually don't dive into the pool because I'm not that confident and brave enough to do it...
But for the sake of my group, I did it..
When it was my turn, I tried to find the courage and BOOM!!!!
My leader pushed me in and WHAMMM~~!!!
I fell into the pool with a huge splash...
We won that round and I had one of the best experience diving in...

After that, we were given free time to play around in the pool...
Most of them were playing dodgeball at one corner...
Aiman, Azri and me went to another corner to play something else...
We played something I would call the "balancing game" and some water wrestling...
By 12pm, the 3 of us went up to shower after playing in the dirty pool... (no offence to the owners XP )
By 1pm, everyone was clean and we had our lunch..
After lunch, we took a long break...
We left for the zoo by 2.40pm..

Finally we got to the zoo by around 4pm but we were way off schedule...
It was the major activity of the camp...
Treasure hunt plus "gotong-royong"..
Each group had to find each of the animal based on the clues and take a group photo with it...
While we were at that, we had to pick up any rubbish we see along the way..
Zoo Melaka... 
It was huge and it had many way awesome animals...
I was struck with amazement for each and every one of them... 
I felt like a kid again =P
But I was fairly disappointed we had to rush because the zoo closes at 6pm..
Furthermore, my phone camera can't zoom and I didn't bring along my camera...
Still it was awesome..
After running around here and there, my group was the first to complete...
We were already so tired but we had to get to the final checkpoint which was the watchtower..
It was SOOO~~~ tall and we had to go all the way up..
Well my group won in the end...
After every group finished, we took a short break then we headed for the bus...

From the zoo, we then decided to take a 10 minute ride to a place to have our dinner..
Each member was allocated a quota of RM6 for food..
Aiman, Azri and me were so hungry, we decided to order pass the quota paying the rest at our own expenses...
After filling our stomach to the max (I was very full XD ) we gathered at the bus and headed back for the dorm...
We moved at 8pm...
It was a long journey back..
Heck... I could reach Seremban on a trip that long...

We finally got back by 9.30pm...
Everyone was exhausted by the time we got back...
They headed straight to bed even before instructions were given...
All were complaining in the boys dorm...
Many slept as soon as they lay down...
Everyone was exhausted, complaining and asleep despite there being another activity...
Me?? I was just enjoying the breeze again...
I can't help it...
Everytime I pass there and feel the wind, I just wanna stop and enjoy it..
What more I really love being a part of nature's beauty =)
It eases my mind...
I can't explain that feeling...

So after a long rest, we started our SOS activity by 11pm...
It was a game about communication..
We had to use light signals to send messages to each other...
Each group made their own language with the lights...
The game lasted long..
We ended by 1am...
We were supposed to wake up and prepare by 8am for tomorrow survival activity but it was extended an hour to 9am...
So tiringly, everyone went to sleep...
Thus ends Day 2...

1st February 2013

Day 3...
It was the last day and time for the last activity...
I woke up at 7.40am..
Got quickly prepared and went back to sleep while waiting for everyone to prepare...
By 9am, we were all ready for breakfast...
We had coffee or tea along with bread spread with margarine and sugar...
Its just a light meal because we had to go jungle trekking later...

Soon after breakfast, we took off for the Survival...
Off to the wild....
I went without bringing anything except myself...
No phone, no watch... Nothing, no technology...
So I couldn't take any photos...
We walk along the road for awhile before we got to the forest path...
It was a short path and we got to a small hill-like field...
When we got up, there was a huge lake with the mountains as the background...
It was a sight to behold...
So beautiful...
After a group photo, we moved on to a site inside the forest...

There we met the facilitator we saw on day 1...
He was going to teach us about survival in the forest which I'll write on another post =D
They even brought a living frog along to teach us how to cook it..
After all the explanation, we were assigned the following task :~

  1. Cook rice in a mineral bottle
  2. Cook rice in a coconut shell
  3. Cook sweet potatoes
  4. Boil water in bamboo
  5. And most fun of all, cooking the frog
We spent hours just to start the fire, keep it going and to cook the food...
Not everything was successful but we did manage to accomplish some of the task..
The sweet potatoes was a success..
The rice wasn't though...
Neither was the water...
But the best was watching how they cut and cook the frog...
I didn't have the guts to touch the frog..
Seemed so icky and disgusting...
But the taste was awesome..
It tasted just like chicken but just better =D
Throughout the time, everyone was enjoying their meal with honey which was obtained by the Orang Asli...

After that, we cleaned up and decided to move to the waterfall...
It was almost 1pm when we left the site...
It was a long stroll along the pathway by the river a.k.a. "longkang"...
After the stroll, we reached a bridge which was only a long log across the river...
Most of them went across 1 by 1...
Me and a few others took a different way across...
We went down the river steeping on the stones then climbing up to get across...
After that we had to go through a short hike and finally we got there...
It wasn't really the peak where the waterfall is but it was a part of it...
The place was cooling..
Everybody was excited to get into the pond ( I think its called that XP )
I went in and I gotta say...
But it was refreshing =D
Anyways, we all had fun there...

By 2.20pm, we headed back down to pack up and check out...
On the way back down, Aiman, Azri and me took drank some water from the "longkang"..
For your information, longkang stands for drain in Malay =P
We were way behind the group but we caught up..
Soon we got back to the dorm...
We were given an hour to wash up and pack up...
By 3.30pm, everyone was done packing and we made our move back to UNITEN..
On the way, we had the prize giving session and some sharing....

So in short the camp was really fun buy tiring...
I'm glad I got to know a lot of my seniors...
I really had a great time and experience..
Still, it could have been more organised and better but I really appreciate the experience there...
And also much thanks to the committee that brought us this camp =D
Looking forward to another camp soon...

So this conclude my 3 day CLICQ Training Camp...
Hope you enjoyed it...
Thanks for reading =D

3rd and Final Semester for Foundation

Hello readers,
It has already been a month since New Years and my last post.
I'm sorry I haven't been as active as promised yet but I'll try my best to post as much as possible.
Why do I do this??
Why do I always wish to be more active in blogging??
Well its simple actually...
I just wanna share my life with the world and keep this as my personal diary.
Someday I'll look back at all this and...
I'll laugh..
I'll cry..
I'll smile..
I'll feel each and everyone of my posts and remember how I've lived...

Well all that aside, this post is a simple post actually just wanting to tell you all my Foundation is coming to an end soon..
I can't believe how fast time flies...
Its already been half a year since I started college and met my friends here..
I'm excited that my semester has started..
The 2 weeks sem break seemed so long that I missed my collegemates rather much...
Especially one particular person...
My semester actually started a week ago on the 29th of January 2013..
I just got back from my CLICQ Training Camp (Which I'll blog about in another post =P ) actually...
So my semester started recently and I'm glad to meet with my buddies again...
As for my Semester 2 result, I got 3.95 =D
Too bad though, I was just a bit more to 4 flat but I'm still happy =)
Now I gotta focus to score well in this Semester...
Well that's all for this post now..
All the best to all my collegemates, friends in other colleges and myself...