Wednesday, January 9, 2013

5 years and going

Well, as the title states...
Yes, my blog is officially 5 years old.
Hehe... =) so proud of myself  XP

Well, its not fully covered every single day or week or what not but its still here with my life diary of 5 years.
It started out with my first story of I don't know, Love? Crush?
Well, its still ongoing with all my stories filled with fun, sad, happy, exciting, love and lots more.
I never thought I would even keep this blog going till this long when I first started.
Still interesting to blog even after so many years.
I look forward to more time for me to blog so I can always refer back to my life.
My mistakes, my choices...
All the events of life that brought me this far and created the ME today...
I don't really know if the ME today is good enough for people around...
But one thing for certain, I'm actually quite proud to be myself in certain ways...
Though I still always wished I could be much better in certain aspects of life...

With friends from home, with my new friends from college and with my family and everyone around me...
I look forward to growing into a better person.
To grow in all aspects and mature but still remain young at heart..
To still be ME but a better ME...
God be my guide and be my strength...
And that's it from me for tonight.
Peace out and goodnight dear readers =)

A New Year, A New Beginning... The Year 2013

Looks like the world is still after all... Haha...
Anyways its a new year, might be late but Happy New Year to my dear readers.

2012 was definitely a year filled with memories both happy and sad.
It was a refreshing year...
New faces, new stories, new wonders...
Hmmm... Lots of stories yet untold (hopefully I find the time to post it XD )
And a very interesting happening both beautiful but sad for me...
Well, I'm free to post now actually cause its the last day of Semester 2...
Sitting here with my friends Aiman and Azim...
Yeah, we're spending the last night for this semester together gaming =P
Well, I have new resolutions for the year and I look forward to fulfilling much this year..
I've also brought along with me problems from the year 2012 though...
Yes and its not just any mere minor problem, its a BIG~~!!! one...
Well, with God's guidance I may just go through it all.

I look forward to this great year and may I fulfill much this year..
I also hope that I'll get 4 flat again for this semester hehe...

P.S. I'm not greedy for the good grades, I just have my noble reasons =)

And yeah,