Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas

Hello dear readers,
Despite my busy schedule and what not, I can't miss this chance to wish you all....


Yes, the world is still here despite people taking about "THE END OF THE WORLD".
I actually have lots of stories to share for you and as a memory/diary for me.
Lots to be told but so little time.
I will share it with you all though so don't worry.
Well truth be told, one of my worst Christmas actually.
Only good thing was I got myself a new jacket which I LOVE~~~!!! so much, I had a tasty meal HOMEMADE for Christmas with a delicious Turkey, had a brief but nice family gathering with relatives, and just finished a rather exciting event.

Sounds interesting for Christmas despite me saying worst?
Yea but far from my normal Christmases, I missed Boxing Day that's for sure.
Had to return to university ON CHRISTMAS~~!!
Got too much personal stress up my head.
Feeling heavy up my chest.
Got some really messed up sh*t up my head.
Have to solve something VERY VERY BIG~~!!
And lots more....

Damn my definition of a Good Christmas is just something fun and relaxing.
Here's a little secret.
I have a secret sweetheart in mind but I can't tell anymore than that.
One of many reasons to actually clogged my mind up with thoughts.
Hopefully God sees through all this with me and I get to clear all this troubles up.
Again MERRY CHRISTMAS dear readers and be thankful we are all still alive.
New Years is in a few days, I have an coming up, and camping on the weekends.

Enjoy the festive season and take care of yourselfs =)
Look forward to more from me =P

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What TOMORROW holds...

Hi readers,
Its been way TOO LONG~~!!!
Sorry =(
I've been so busy running events and what not in UNITEN (my college =P)
I'm glad one of my classmate came to know bout my blog (by opening in when my laptop was vacant and turned on) and actually was interested.
Anyways, today I decided to write a post....

Well, its just that time of the year again.
The time where I somehow get so busy with things and get rather emotional.
And to top things up, it was just another of my bad day today.
I'm so packed up with running my events.
Namely the events are "Charity for Cancer" which will be going on all the way to 21st of December and the Prom Night : Masquerade which will be on either the 19th or the 26th of December.
I'm so busy doing not only my job but the job of many others.
Oh, I'm not complaining here actually.
Its just that I find some people to be rather selfish.

These events are our class projects which were meant to help us get our marks.
But for some reason, me and my group of friends are working I would say 10x more than most of the others.
It seems rather unfair.
To top that, some of them are actually giving me loads of crap while they're working.
Thankfully I'm not as bad-tempered as I used to be.
I'm much better this days =D

But that aside, as I said its just another of my bad day.
I'm not sure why but I was in a really bad mood this morning.
After business class, I actually only planned to just do a short briefing to inform my classmates about something.
But what happened instead was I suddenly got rather angry and started scolding them.
Actually not really scold, it was rather like warning and giving advice.
I think I was rather harsh but its not because I wanted to, it was because I cared.
The weird thing about it all was, I think deep inside I'm very angry and disappointed.
I felt that shivering anger which I never felt for ages now.
The last time was in school back at 2009 when I was in Form 3.
I literally felt my arms and hands shivering.
My eyes would usually teared at times like that.
But I had to avoid that.
Well, so it ended up on that note (hopefully no one holds a grudge on me XP )

Truth be told I was in a bad mood because I was thinking too much about something.
Something that seems to have no solution to it....
I would say that I was worried about TOMORROW.....
What do we really know about what lies ahead in the world TOMORROW...
Would we wake up to the morning light or would there never be a TOMORROW...
I'm a type of person who likes to think, and I think this time I'm troubled by the thought...

How would both my events end up?
Will there be a 26th of December or the year 2013?
Will I ever be able to fulfill my dreams of being a successful game designer, a millionaire??
Will I be alone or would I have a lovely wife when I grow up?
How would things in the world be many years from now?
Could I ever be with that ideal girl of mine?
And it goes on...
And on....
And on....
I keep asking questions to myself till I feel so weak...

I'm exhausted but I'm not tired..
My body has the energy but my will is gone...
I couldn't even gather up the strength to use my physical energy...
I'm tired of thinking and doing stuff that sometimes not having a TOMORROW could be a good thing..
But that would just be escaping from REALITY...
So I want to know how TOMORROW will be...
I'm gonna live on till I see my TOMORROW and hope for the better...
As for this time of the year, I'm gonna keep thinking till I find an answer even to the impossible...
God bless me and all our TOMORROW's ...
So what do you think your TOMORROW will be like dear readers??

Take care =D