Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Losing a Loved One/ To my dearest aunty Rita

This post continues my story from The Thought of Losing a Loved One/ An Un-predicted Day.

So after a long journey back by train, I reached my hometown where my aunty was, Seremban.
I waited for my other aunty to come fetch me and my brother ,who just came back from work, to the hospital.
So we rushed there.
On the way there, my mother told me what happened.
I was told that my aunty's heart beat has stopped and reached 0 at one point before I got back.
But then it suddenly rose up again.
She refuses to let go and kept on fighting.
It was in fact rather a miracle in a way.
Soon, we got to the hospital.

As we approached the gate towards the ward rooms, the guard stopped us and told us to go and register at the front counter.
Already my aunty was in a critical condition and still they give sh*t like this.
I was quite pissed.
Imagine if someone was rushing to see someone and while registering their loved one passes away....
Imagine how angry the people would be...
Yeah its standard procedure and all but my brother and I came all the way back home to see my aunty.
So we quickly registered and rushed to room 6A.

As we were walking towards the elevator, we saw my grandparents.
My grandfather was smiling very happily.
I've never seen such a happy smile on his face before.
He told us that my aunty's condition was improving.
You just can't tell how relieved I felt at that moment.
So we went up to the 6th floor and saw some of my other aunty, my uncles and my cousins.
My brother and I went in to see my aunty who was in critical condition.

When we got there, I saw my uncle (aunty's husband) sitting by her bedside with a extremely worried and sad face.
Apart from that, I saw my aunty.....
Struggling for her life, to fight the cancer, to live on....
The suffering she was going through, it pierced my heart.
I couldn't even bear to watch her being like that.
She held a rosary on her hands and a photo of Jesus was on her.
My brother went closer first and told her he was here to see her.
Then, I did the same.
I told her "Aunty Rita, I'm Jason. I came back from college to see you."
I said that and gave a warm smile with pain in my heart.
But one thing that really made me a bit unhappy was the fact I was rushed to leave the ward.
I came all the way back to see her only for a mere 2 minutes~!!?? >:O
I wanted to stay there for just at least awhile longer, but thinking about it, maybe it would have been better for me not to see her suffering like that.

Just that 2 minutes was rather hard for me actually.
I couldn't imagine how hard it was for my relatives to have stayed by her side for so long watching her suffer.
They were all there for so long that they were so hungry, that was why they rushed.
So after that mere 2 minutes I got to see my aunty, we went off to a food court for dinner.
After dinner, we decided that I return to college with my cousin. (since he lived close-by hehe =D )
So I got back by 10.30pm.
I went to my room, washed my clothes and then took a shower.
I decided to stay up late that night.

Little did I know, things can't always go the way we want it to.
Later that night, at around 1am, while taking a shower, I heard message from my phone.
Somehow my instincts told me it was going to be bad.
I walked towards my phone saying "No,no,no.... Damn, damn, damn."
Then I saw the message from my brother.
I almost couldn't even open my message but I did.
It was news that my aunty has passed away. :'(
My brother also told me not to spread the word around first.
I was so sad.
I may have not been all that close with her but everytime during a family gathering, she was one of the person who makes it so lively.
Making nice food for us, cakes......
It was a very sad news.
I just couldn't believe it....

As I've said before in my previous post, I've never experience such a thing.
This was my first.
The first thought that came to me actually was a imagination of how things happened at the ward.
The first person who came in mind was my uncle.
I just couldn't imagine how sad he would be.
I felt sorrow.
The Internet died (not working XP ) not long after I got the message so I decided to sleep early.
As I was about to sleep, I prayed to God for my aunty's soul and her family. 
After that I went to bed.

Since it happened at around 1am on the 24th of October, the first day of prayer (following the Catholic 7 days of rosary/prayer) was on that Wednesday night.
I had class the whole day so I couldn't go back for the first day.
My brothers called me and told me that there were many who attended the prayer.
But the saddest part of it was they told me how sad my grandparents were.
My grandpa cried by the coffin very sadly, talking to himself.
He must have blamed himself for something.
The news was devastating for me because I knew how sad they are.
They are around 80 years old but their daughter left before them.
It saddens me :'(
My brothers said many who were there cried for her.

On that very same night, I knew that people have already known of my aunty's passing so I checked on Facebook.
The news was spread so I decided to write as such on my status :

"Always love and treat your loved ones well..
Life has no cue cards to show you whats next, you can lose anyone without warning or invitation...
It all happened in a blink of an eye.
Though I only got to see my Aunty Rita Niap Yoke Moi for a short while yesterday, I'm glad I did.
Her suffering has ended and she has left for a better place to be with God.
Worries has left the heart of her family but sadness remains.
May God bless her soul that she may rest in peace.
May God also bless her family that sadness will not dwell too long in their heart and to be assured that she is in good hands, with the Lord.

R.I.P. Aunty Rita  

Yes, my aunty may have passed away.
But I believed she lived a miraculous life.
Though she had cancer, she had lived long enough to see her children grow up.
To see her eldest son get married....
To see her 3 younger ones enter college....
To see her first grandchild...
She was very lucky.
And I believed that God did hear my prayer for a miracle on my way back home to see her.
As mentioned earlier, her pulse reached 0 yet she was able to fight back to live.
The greatest miracle was the fact that she lived long enough for each and everyone of us to come see her.
My brother and I was the last two.
She lasted that whole evening all the way to the night being strong so that she can see us before leaving us behind.
Even after that, she lived on to allow her family to spend quality time with her till 1am in the morning.
It was truly a miracle.

So I do believe in miracles.
God is not cruel for making people suffer, God is kind to grant blessing and ending the pain.
He has done much in this one occasion.
For one, my aunty's suffering has ended and she can return to the Father in Heaven.
Then, her family and us relatives can stop worrying about her condition but left with sadness and sorrow in our hearts.
Next is that my ever older grandparents can get some rest not having to take care and worry about of her all the time.
Not to say that I want her to pass away but ain't it the best God can give to us?? =O
Well, I just hope that my aunty's soul may rest in peace and God may bless us all so that sorrow will not remain too long in our hearts.
I know my aunty will continue watching over us from above.
May God bless her soul and her family.

I love you aunty Rita
I will always remember you
keep you in my heart.

The thought of losing a loved one / An Un-predicted Day

Have you ever experienced losing a loved one?
Someone close...
A relative...
I've never imagined such a thing happening before...
I always thought, I'm very lucky because I've never experienced such a thing before...
Till this happens...

It was just another busy day at college for me...
I had just completed my maths assignment (given today and need to hand in tomorrow -.- ) with my friends..
As I was walking back to my apartment, I received a message from my dad.
I had thought it was one of those usual message where he asked me to check my bank savings after he adds in some money...
Instead it was written :

"Your aunty Rita is going to be with the Lord,
please take a train home,
I will pick you up when you arrive."

At first I wondered what it was, but after reading it I was shocked.
Its bad enough that I had quite a rough day today.
Waking up late, boring classes, hectic homeworks.
Now my dad asked me to go back home to see my aunty.
The thing is, she had cancer for a long time now.
She once got better then years later she got it again.
It got worse with time.
Now she is admitted in the hospital, fighting for her life, bound to leave us, her loved ones, any time soon.
She is going to leave this world going to a better place, returning to our Lord, the Creator.

With everything being so busy lately, I was rather reluctant to return home especially when I need to take a train.
Plus, I have a quiz for business class tomorrow and a photo shoot session this evening.
Just the thought of having to go all the way back to see a loved one pass away annoys me. (Not that I don't want to see her >o< )
I was hesitating between going back or staying.
In the end I decided to return home.
I just had to see my aunty, to give her strength.
I can't even begin to imagine not being able to see her anymore.

So as I was waiting for the taxi to arrive, I wrote this down on my phone first.
I hate what is happening to me now.
Its such a B***h and cancer is one too.
Why does such a thing even exists~~!!??
That's why I'm glad that my class is going to run a charity fund-raising for cancer.
I hope it becomes a success and we can help other cancer patients out there.
May the Lord bless our cause and my aunty.

P.S. It would be awesome if God could grant a miracle at this moment to save my aunty. :(