Saturday, December 10, 2011

SPM is finally over!!!

Hello dear readers,
How have you been??
Its been quite some time since I last posted..
Since the 14th of November which was the first day of my SPM exam..
It has already been a few day since it ended (5th of December)

I'm gonna summarise how each of my paper was here...
The papers by sequence is:

Bahasa Malaysia - Was okay. I wrote a rather nice essay and I managed to answer one peribahasa question for once =D
English - Couldn't get any easier. Wrote about the best things being free for essay.
Sejarah- Must be the easiest Sejarah paper I've ever sat for. Best question >> They give us the lyrics of our National Anthem and ask "Namakan lagu di atas." OMGBBQ!!! XD
Modern Maths - So easy I feel I can get 100 (but I know I won't already =O )
Moral - Did like how I usually do and I think I can get an A for this subject =D
Additional Maths- A paper with quality at least. Not too easy, not too hard. But as usual I can answer the questions. Ironically, I did one of the question I wanted to avoid >o<
Physics- Was not too bad. I'm glad I actually studied the last chapter for Form 5 cause it helped me to answer some questions. And I learnt how a nuclear bomb works while I was at it >.<
Chemistry- It wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. But according to my friends, it is one of the hardest paper for SPM standards for the past year. And all this while I'm no good at Chemistry. Just imagine =O
Biology- Never liked it (thought its interesting) and just managed to do the paper more than usual. Regretted not studying inheritance =(

And last but not least,
Accounts- The only paper I'm not too confident about after finishing. Make a big blunder. Just hoping I'll get an 'A-' at least.

So look forward to seeing my results readers..
Till my next post..

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