Saturday, December 10, 2011

Paintball trip with friends

Hello readers,
Today I'm gonna tell you about my paintball trip with my friends.
It was just two days ago (8th of December) and I'm still hyped up about that day.

So I woke up early..
It was 6.30 a.m. ....
Most people would be asleep at this time considering that exam is over..
But I woke up early because we had to meet up at the train station by 8am ...
So I got prepared and left my home at 7.30am ..
On the way there I was messaging Bryan and he asked me to hurry up...
When I arrived there, some of them were there already..
So we chit chat while waiting for the others..
Suddenly I felt like going to the toilet..
I've been purging since I woke up and my mother told me in the morning that the veggie in the soup she gave me last night was meant to clear the pathway of my excretory system to make me purge...
What the hell!!?? And of all time she gave it to me the day before I wanted to go for paintball..
So I went to the toilet and did my business...
When I came back out, some more of them had arrive...
Soon everyone had arrive EXCEPT the organiser, Philip...
We were suppose to meet by 8am but he only arrived when it was almost 9am...
So everybody was there...
Lai, Vijaya, Bryan, Jeyain, Philip, Adrian, Vijay, Loi, Kavee, Brendan, Khoo and me.
Jason Too and Danesh said they would come by themselves later..
Along with us were Alex and Jerome who wanted to go to Central...
We even saw Judy with her friends at the station as well...

So we went to get our tickets..
We bought a two-way ticket from Seremban to Midvalley and back...
We were on time as the train arrived the moment we went to wait for it...
This is considered my first time officially on a train because the last time was when I was still small where I slept the whole way...
So this is a new experience for me..
Everyone was rushing into the train while I slowly walked in...
Then only I realised why...
Some of my friends got to sit while some of us had to stand...
At every stop, more and more people came in..
It was about an hour trip to Midvalley...
We were all chit chatting while waiting to reach our destination..
I stand the whole way there...
Sooner it got more stuffier as there were too many people in the train...
Finally we arrived...
We got off and stretched a little...
The Jerome and Alex came out..
We were wondering why...
Jerome made a mistake...
While buying the tickets for the rest of us to Midvalley, he accidentally bought the same place for himself...
Because of that Alex had no choice but to follow us to Midvalley...

So we crossed the overhead bridge into Mid Valley...
Moving as a group, we walked towards the food court...
I did not know, I just followed ... haha XD
On the way to the food court, I saw a lot of beautiful Christmas decorations around..
I was especially amazed by the maze like decoration in the middle...
It was so beautiful...
So we reached the food court after walking for a while..
Everyone moved around to see what they wanted to eat...
Again we saw Judy there sitting alone waiting for her friends to get the food...
We talked to her a bit and soon we all got our food and started eating...
So that was our breakfast...
After breakfast, we decided to walk around...
In front of the group was Vijaya...
He was insisting on going to watch a movie but most of us did not wanted to...
So while he was walking towards the cinema theater, we quietly made a turn while he was not looking...
It was so funny how he walked so blindly and did not even realised we were not there...
We laughed looking at how he only realised we were missing after some time...
So we entered a sports shop and was looking around..
I decided to go and get Vijaya along with Alex before he panics and get lost...
Soon after, we all went to play at the arcade...
We played for quite long before going out...

Then we split into small groups and moved around..
I was with Lai and Vijaya (the F.A.T members) ....
We moved around without a clue of what to do...
So we went into the bowling place..
Vijaya again insisted on bowling this time..
But Lai and me did not wanted to...
After walking around for some time, we decided to go have our lunch over at McDonald...
It was around 1pm that time...
So we queued up...
After getting our order, we could not find any place to sit..
The place was packed...
So we decided to stand around getting ready to grab a place the moment there is one..
After waiting for some time, we finally got one..
When we were done eating, Kavee, Brendan, Adrian and Vijay came along..
They were lucky we were there..
Otherwise they would not have a place to sit..
Vijaya, Lai and me went to the toilet before we go to our next destination which is the paintball park...
After eating, we went to the arcade again for a little while to pass the time..
By the time it was around 2.30pm, we were all gathered at the train station..
We had a chat while waiting for the train to arrive...
So the train finally arrived...
Soon we were at Bandar Tasik Selatan...
From there, we took the LRT to Bukit Jalil...
It was raining...
We were afraid that we might not be able to go for paintball if it continues to rain...
Nevertheless, we walked towards the paintball park..
We had no idea where it was so we asked for directions..
After walking blindly without a clue where it was for some time, we finally found it..

So we entered the place, but there was nobody there...
Or so it seems..
They were behind the barricade..
So Philip, the organiser, went to discuss with the people about the paintball game..
At first they did not wanted to let us play because of the rain..
But the rain started to slow down so they finally decided to let us play... YAY~~!! =D
So we all got changed and prepared while waiting for the briefing to begin..
Funny thing was, the person who gave the briefing had the same name as our Prime Minister..
Encik Najib... Haha XD
So he gave us the interesting briefing and we were ready to go after that..
We were wearing our safety gears while waiting for them to fill up the guns with bullets...
Once we were comfortable with the gears, we were ready to go..
We split into two team..

Team A - Philip, Bryan, Vijay, Loi, Lai, Brendan and me
Team B - Jason Too, Vijaya, Danesh, Khoo, Jeyain, Adrian and Kavee

So the battle begin..
The battlefield was known as the Mayhem Zone..
It was well designed..
Our  mission :

  1. Take down two of the enemies bottle.
  2. Take both the flags back to home base.
That was level one.
In level two there was an extra mission:

  • After taking both flags back to home base, enter the bunker and grab the last flag to win.
So the first round was rather like a test run..
Later on, everyone started to get better at aiming and all..
My team, Team A, was more well strategised compare to Team B in my opinion..
Among everyone, I was the only one who actually ran the bunker..
It was a scary yet exciting dash across the lane to get to the bunker..
You could see bullets flying through while you run..
WOW~~~!!! Such an amazing experience..
Between each battle, we were given a chance to rest up while they refill our guns with bullets..
In the battle, we had infinite lives,  but we had to return to home base everytime we get shot...
And getting shot by the paintball bullet was no joke..
Imagine a bullet moving as fast as a car flying straight at you..
The moment I got hit... OUCH~~!! Instant bruise..
And can you imagine, Lai got hit straight on his neck...
He collapsed in front of my eyes because of the sudden pain..
He missed the last two battles because of that..
But over all, I can summarise it as a painful, tiring but fun experience...
Everyone had mud all over after the game..
We took a group photo and then we got changed...

So the paintball experience ended...
We rested for a bit and then we headed off back to the LRT station..
Took the LRT back to Bandar Tasik Selatan to get on the train back to Seremban..
The station was packed because it was the time when everyone would be heading back home..
We missed the first train because we were waiting for Philip..
So we waited for another about 15 minutes for the next train..
And can you believe that we were all sitting on the floor because there was no place to sit..
Haha XD
It was a funny sight..
Everyone was tired from such a long day..
So the train finally arrived..
We had to stand but we all got a seat just about 2 to 3 stops from there..
It was a long journey back...
We got back rather late, like about 10pm or so...
We then went to A&W to have our dinner...

So our day ended like that..
Such a long day but such a memorable one..
I look forward to more fun time with my friends..
Till next time readers..
Take care..

SPM is finally over!!!

Hello dear readers,
How have you been??
Its been quite some time since I last posted..
Since the 14th of November which was the first day of my SPM exam..
It has already been a few day since it ended (5th of December)

I'm gonna summarise how each of my paper was here...
The papers by sequence is:

Bahasa Malaysia - Was okay. I wrote a rather nice essay and I managed to answer one peribahasa question for once =D
English - Couldn't get any easier. Wrote about the best things being free for essay.
Sejarah- Must be the easiest Sejarah paper I've ever sat for. Best question >> They give us the lyrics of our National Anthem and ask "Namakan lagu di atas." OMGBBQ!!! XD
Modern Maths - So easy I feel I can get 100 (but I know I won't already =O )
Moral - Did like how I usually do and I think I can get an A for this subject =D
Additional Maths- A paper with quality at least. Not too easy, not too hard. But as usual I can answer the questions. Ironically, I did one of the question I wanted to avoid >o<
Physics- Was not too bad. I'm glad I actually studied the last chapter for Form 5 cause it helped me to answer some questions. And I learnt how a nuclear bomb works while I was at it >.<
Chemistry- It wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. But according to my friends, it is one of the hardest paper for SPM standards for the past year. And all this while I'm no good at Chemistry. Just imagine =O
Biology- Never liked it (thought its interesting) and just managed to do the paper more than usual. Regretted not studying inheritance =(

And last but not least,
Accounts- The only paper I'm not too confident about after finishing. Make a big blunder. Just hoping I'll get an 'A-' at least.

So look forward to seeing my results readers..
Till my next post..