Sunday, April 24, 2011

The significance of the candle with Easter Day

Easter Day.
A day where all Christians around the world rejoice with the resurrection of the Lord on this day.
The night before Easter , Easter Vigil is celebrated by the Catholic Church.
A big candle lighted by the priest signifies God's light into the world.
In the dark church stands many people holding an unlit candle.
This signifies the world before creation.
Then the priest enters with the candle and the altar servers light their candle from it.
That signifies God's light being given to the people.
And from that the servers move around and light the candle of the people and everyone spread it on.
That signifies people sharing God's love and light for us.
Whenever the candle of someone goes out he/she looks for someone to light their candle back.
That is similar to us whenever we are down and under, we need someone to enlighten us so we look for help.
So that is how God's love and light in the world is spread among us.
On Easter Day we rejoice and are happy.
Let us continue to share this wonderful thing.

I tell you dear readers that there is nothing like a dark place filled with lighted candle.
It is such an amazing sight that you don't get to see all the time.
And in that darkness with the light of the candles we sing like a choir that makes it even more enlightening.
This is how great we humans can be if we are one.
There is nothing as great as being one and having no conflicts with one another.
So I wish everyone all the best and Happy Easter.
God Bless.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My first time in an orphanage

How are you readers?
I hope you are doing fine.
Well I'm wondering, have you ever been to an orphanage??
Because I haven't and today was the first time I've ever been to a home of any kind.
It was the Vinashini's Home at Mambau.
It is a beautiful place where they care for the mentally retarded and disabled.

I woke up early this morning to get ready to head to school.
I was going to follow my Catholic Community Club teacher to go there along with some others namely Bernard, Keith, Cameron and Russell.
We left at 9.35 am and got there around almost 10 o'clock.
We entered the Home and saw the rest who came by themselves sitting by the table at the entrance.
While waiting outside, one of the orphan came out and started shaking hands with all of us.
He was a short Chinese boy with an interesting character.
His name is Sivaji (He is Chinese but they do not know his Chinese name)
He could not speak very well but yet we were able to communicate with him.
And there was another hyperactive boy sitting by the table.
He was making weird noises and doing weird stuff.
Its pitiful if you were there looking at him.
Then we were introduced to the place by the son of the owner of the Home (I forgotten his name >.< )
He said that the monthly expenses to run the Home is RM20000- RM 30000.
It is a huge amount. Can you imagine if the government or the visitors do not give donations how would they be able to run smoothly.
After the introduction, he welcomed us in and gave us a tour around the place.
The orphans are in a wide from of young to older orphans.
It was a huge place well designed.
There was a huge living room with a television, a kitchen, a place for the girls to sleep and a place for the boys which are separated, a playground outside, a room which is going to be used as a study room and a huge space for activities to be held.
After all of that, we sang some songs for the orphans.
We sang some songs that Amos brought along but it was difficult to sing so we decided to sing some nursery rhymes which they could understand and enjoy.
Songs like Baa Baa Black Sheep, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and If You're Happy And You Know.
They enjoyed that but not up to how I expected.
It is because they are not like us, they are unable to think well like us and actually understand how fun it is suppose to be.
I felt very pitiful looking at them.
After the singing we were given some time to spend with them individually.
We got to know a cute small kid who was a fast learner, a small hyperactive boy that we call Little Messi, Nitthya(I think thats how its spelled) who is a small girl, Sivaji an interesting short fellow and some others.
We got to know some of their sad stories.
It was sad how some of them lost their parents or some being left somewhere just like that.
Its inhumane of them to do such a thing.
We thought the cute small kid how to write.
As for Little Messi we played around with him.
We thought Sivaji how to 'show some love' with a fist and show the peace sign.
But the one which was very pitiful was Nitthya.
She was left behind by her parents in a hospital when she was young.
She is unable to walk and is blinded on one eye.
We could not communicate with her because we did not know how to speak in Tamil but she communicated with us just by holding our hands.
It was strange how she had fun just lifting and shaking our hands.
But somehow is like God holding your hand and smiling.
There were many more sad stories in that place which I will not mention all.

I took some photos there but I'm unable to upload the photos because of some problems uploading.
I really learnt a lot going to this place.
I have learnt how truly fortunate many of us really are.
This people are unaware of what is happening and are in their own world but yet they can be so happy.
We who are fortunate do not appreciate what we have and we make a fuss out of a lot of things.
I am thankful that people like , Angela Devi, the owner of the Home exist in this world to take care of this kind of people.
They are blest in a way through people like her.
I hope you all will find some time to go visit a Home like this and learn something out of it.
Till then readers, take care.\