Monday, October 25, 2010

A weird but wonderful day

Hi readers, ^^
Sry I haven't been bloggin lately ( I haven't even wrote about my media camp and my ninjutsu camp yet...haiz)
Well its bcoz I'm quite busy lately thanks to the final year examination and also being a little lazy...
Well anyways today was somewhat something I really wanted to blog about...
To start off, have you ever got felt so confident at something you are about to do and then have it all crushed the moment its being done??
Well I experienced that today. During my history exam, I have studied so much more than I usually do. What more is the teacher gave us tips on what is coming out. I did my objective easily but the structure was what crushed my confidence. Nothing I learnt came out. NOTHING!!! I felt so screwed that I finished my exams in 45 minutes out of the 2 hours allocated.
And another new experience for me today.
Have you ever pushed a vehicle in the middle of the road??
Today my bus(a school van to be precise) engine died half way up a slope. The engine couldn't start, so the bus driver reversed down the slope.
At the bottom, he could not reverse anymore. To make things worse it was raining heavily, but someone had to push the bus to the side of the road.
So then me and my other two friends came down the bus to push it.
Well pushing a vehicle under the heavy rain was kinda fun.
I never knew that the day I expected to be another ordinary day with the examinations as the difference could be so awesome.
Its been a while since I last played under the rain.
Well I love what life can bring to you.
To joy and fun, the tears and sadness, the anger and pain, anything at anytime,anywhere.
And I'll try to keep my bloggin a little active since the end year holidays are just around the corner.
Till next time, ciao >.<

Friday, October 1, 2010

Cute, Soft and Cuddly....The Sudden Fetish

As you all know readers I am a guy..
But I have no idea why I suddenly have this fetish over cute, soft and cuddly things (FYI not things like Barbie Doll >.<)
I juz wanna hold something soft and cuddly and hug it so hard that even juz thinking of it makes me smile =D
So you know what I have in mind???
This end year holiday I'm gonna get a part time job(as how I planned earlier not for this occasion lol)
Then, after I get my pay I'm gonna buy a teddy bear and name it Kawaii.....haha ^^
I'll also buy a tag with the word Kawaii on it >.<
I'll upload a photo of it when I get it....