Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The First Time I've Ever Seen Praveen Cry

This is suppose to be posted on Tuesday which was the 19th of January 2010.
So please read it as thought it is posted on Tuesday.

This is a short and true story....(duh!!!)
In 4 years I've ever known Praveen, I've never seen him cry before.
Well everything has its first.
It all started yesterday during Additional Maths period.
Praveen was asking about a certain question from a friend.
As he was asking, his friend made a joke causing disaster upon him as the teachers nerve tells her to chase him out of the class.
The teacher asked him to go home and so he left.
He was warned that he will be sent out today as well.
When she arrived in class she did not chased him out, I thought that she will not chase him out.
In the event when she went around checking our books 1 by 1 she chased him out during his turn.
He went out with anger scolding his friend that made him laugh.
As the lesson went on, the teacher requested our monitor, Lim, to go look for him.
Lim return saying he couldn't find him.
Then teacher continued teaching.
From what I see, she was worried because she keeps looking outside wondering where he was.
Then she gave some work and of course everyone else and me did our work.
While I was doing my work, suddenly I saw Praveen coming back into the class crying(sobbing to be precise)
Teacher told him not to ever make the same mistake again and to go and wash his face.
From my experience, I think the teacher might never do it again.
I say so because I think there is this possibility which is:
a)Teacher thinks that Praveen might be too upset he would attempt for a suicide(which I know he won't do)


b)She is too worried what might happen to him and would not be able to take that responsibility.

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