Friday, August 21, 2009

A fun day at school

It's been long since I last upload any post in my blog.
Been busy(nah....lazy...hehe)
Yesterday in school was a fun day.
During the English period, we went to the ICT lab.
In the lab,everyone was told to use the score A programme.
But Vijaya and me did only 1 paper then we opened my blog(te..he..)
While checkin out the pictures I posted, some of my other frens saw us.
They asked,'Who uploaded the photos on the net?'.And I replied,'Me'.
Then, many of my other classmates started opening my blog to see the pictures.
Insted of a score A programme, its more like a see this programme(hahahha.....)
Later on during PE(physical education), we had volleyball training.
After recess, when both teachers in my class and the class beside was not present, there was somewhat like a war happening.
Because there was a door connected to both class, the other class kept on knocking it.
So as the monitor, I made a 'game plan'.
I say,'If they hit the door again, we will surround them from all corners. That's the only way they will get scared and stop hitting the door!'.
My frens agreed. As soon as they knocked the door again, was class went wild, screaming and shouting like crazy, and I went out wit Praveen.
When we reached their door, I realise only Praveen and me was there.(what an embarassment)
But what the heck, they stopped anyways haha....
And thats just about all. So I hope everyone has fun in school.
Remember, school life can never return once its over and its the best part of your life.

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