Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Epic Meal Time

Miss you all so much.
I'm so sorry for not blogging for almost 2 months out of laziness.
Yes I know that is bad.
Okay so I've done so many things in the past two months.
But one of the most fun of all was this.

What does that means?
It means eating a lot definitely but how much is a lot?
So we created what I would call a 'masterpiece' of a meal.
(Ideas from the Internet actually... haha XD )
So I woke up early that day with my mum baking a cake.
Why? Because Lim's birthday was two days away so we decided to surprise him on that day.
So once the cake was done I left for Alex's house. (The venue for the event)
And as usual I was the first one there.
So we hid the cake well in the fridge.
And then we waited for the rest.
Slowly the rest arrived and finally it was time to go out to get the ingredients.

We left the house in two cars.
In Alex's car was, Goh and Lai while in Soong's car was me and Ng.
We headed for Tesco first.
We got what we wanted.
But there we got an awesome idea as well.
What was that idea?
We were gonna smash a cake on Lim's face.... HAHAHAHA XP
So we got a cheap sponge cake and whipped cream.
We then left for Jusco.
There we got the remaining of the ingredients and most importantly the burgers from McDonald's and KFC.
When we ordered 12 burger sets you should have seen how it looked like.
The amount of fries and drinks we had... Haha XD
Lim joined us at Jusco.
So once we had everything we need we headed back for Alex's house.

We got back.
We relaxed for awhile played some games and all then it was time.
So we set up the stuff at the back.

Everything was set and we began work.
Unpacking the ingredients and all.
So we layer the bottom part which was with 12 McChicken burgers (which we realised later was the wrong choice of burger)

Then we put the bacon into the oven to cook it.

While that was happening, Jamie and Alex was busy cooking the minced beef.

We chit chat and chowed down on the loads of fries that we had while waiting.

Once the bacon was done we layered it on top of the burgers.

Followed by the minced beef.

Then we put 6 KFC toasted twister on top where we covered the gaps with the extra fries.

And most importantly the last and final layer, THE CHEESE~~!!!
Lots and lots of it.

We even used some fries to write "ALEX GOD" on it for fun >.<

And then we put it into the oven.. (It nearly couldn't fit into the oven XP )

So while waiting for it to cook in the oven, we decided to go on with our prank on Lim.
Alex and me headed into the kitchen to grab the sponge cake and the whipped cream.
We put loads of whipped cream on top of the sponge cake.
Then we went out.
We sang a birthday song and he was like so surprised and happy.
But never in the least did he expect the cake to get smashed onto his face.
We burst out laughing and Lim was furious.

We couldn't stop laughing XD
And then we cleaned up the mess and Lim went to wash his face.

The Faces Behind All This.

Soon, it was ready.
We took it out of the oven...

The "ALEX GOD" word seen after it was cooked.

Alex cut a big piece and he took the first bite...

Oooohhh~~~!!! It looked awesome...
We all took a big slice each and took a photo with a huge bite on it..

It was a very VERY filling meal and there where slight bits that we were unable to finish...
It was too much >.<
So after chilling a while, we prepared the actual birthday cake...
Jamie had a function so he left early...
While having the others distract Lim, Alex and me went to take the cake out with the candle lit...
Lim was even more surprise because there was an actual cake.
He was so happy =D
So we sang a song and he blew the candles marking that he is 18 years old now...

We all had a piece of cake (still full from the Epic Meal)
And Lim took the rest back.
So Soong took Ng and Lim back.
Lai and me waited and later Alex sent us home.

So the day ended on that note.
It was such a fun day.
We had lots of laughter and fun that day.
A day I will really remember.
So look forward to more fun stories from me about Chinese New Year.
Take care readers ;)